People who want yoi to f**k up9

Seen a so-called frend to day and he sed i heard that you where drinking again with a smile on his face (f*ing dick) made me so angry try to bring me down to make himself feel better and me feel bad (look he is on the drink again can’t even stay off it).
Things like that can cause alcoholic people to drink again.
But f
k him he will not be apart of my live anymore.


Not a friend but someone you know.
I have a knee jerk response to things sometimes but I’ve been working on it, lol.
Like ask if he’s put on weight… Jk, guess I need more work on myself! Hang in bud…


Surround yourself with people equal and better than yourself. Easier said than done, but such people will not be looking to bring you down.

I cut ties with 99% of my old friends, they would all love to hear that I’m back to my old ways, but they’ll never get that satisfaction. People succeeding reminds people of their own failures, and people dont like that.

Happy people with goals and achieving, like to see others succeed too.