Perspective hit me

So today went really different and I started feeling so down on myself because I don’t have all that I used to like my own place and a car and I got to thinking all the money I touched and let slip through my fingers realizing now I didn’t fully appreciate any of it till now…
Why I came to this perspective I started YouTube searching starting over at 27 and come across this young lady walking by faith…homeless giving up all possessions and reading a comment on a different video with such a fresh perspective on someone saying they had give up many substances and being sober 11 months and a reply from someone else saying all the freedom they have even though they don’t have the life they thought they would and made me think

Life is really about perspective and walking by faith even through the storm of it all

Hope all this makes sense I just had to share my thoughts :sparkles:


It does make sense. I’ve been stuck with ruminating thoughts about my past from time to time. Positivity makes all the difference. Gratitude for everything you do have. Keep moving forward and good things will come :heart:


Ahhhh I’m glad all that made sense to someone
I thought I was over thinking because I felt so bad about my situation but as I’m growing through this I know this storm will pass , it isn’t ever the end all be all and I know whatever my life looks like now isn’t the final destination but apart of my story and maybe even apart of my testimony !!
I’m grateful :sparkles:


Love this :heart:!

Yes, your post made total sense and it’s funny how we can lose the perspective of what a happier healthier life we are leading now and get stuck with the what if’s and past memories.
I am grateful for this community as being here so regularly really helps keep me focused on my perspective.


I’m glad my post is making sense it’s truly a wonder how so many people get out in the world and really start beating themselves up not realizing it’s really the smallest of things that we can be proud of and grateful for . Our possessions don’t make us,if we’re still breathing we’re winning and I don’t think thats appreciated enough :heart:


love this too - you are full of gold today :heart:

You should check out the Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5 thread – it has truly changed my life to give gratitude daily (even on days when things are just funky).


Thank you I will definitely be checking it out this thread often :blush:


thank you for this perspective! i notice that whenever i have felt sorry for myself in the past, that’s made me want to drink. now that i’m committing to sobriety i really can’t let myself go there. if the feelings come up around all i’ve destroyed or just plain not appreciated because of my irresponsibilities especially due to alcohol abuse over the years, i allow them to have their voice - but they’re not the only voice in the equation. there’s other voices besides the “woe is me” - there’s a child ready to play, a queen ready to rule, a zen master ready to be silent, a goddess ready to sing, a warrior ready to fight. any of these voices can help me identify with another aspect of my consciousness to help me out of misery-identification. or it can just be as simple as being my own friend, saying “hey girl i know you feel bad, i get it, it makes total sense, things have been rough, it’s natural to feel down sometimes. i can sit with you here, we can sit together, we don’t have to do anything, we can just sit and feel. you don’t have to do it alone, you’re not alone, i’m here with you, do you want to cry? do you want some water?”. sometimes i want to feel better right away, so i think about everything i’m grateful for or i call a friend or i embolden myself with one of my own psyche’s power archetypes. other times i just want to feel my dark feelings - most important thing is that i just don’t drink or engage in self-destructive behavior - there’s so many other ways to deal with “negative” emotions, and in those moments, thats what i remember to remember. :heart:


You’re welcome, I just knew I had all these feelings and I didn’t think keeping it to myself was gonna be helpful and once I went down the YouTube rabbit hole I immediately had to share my perspective and it getting it all out made me feel better. In these moments I almost feel like I’m the only one going through this situation then you find out wow I’m not the only one, and the best I can do is my best and breathe and know this isn’t the end all be all to my current circumstances good or bad !

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