Pet pics! #6

Are they helping you with DIY? :hammer_and_wrench::dog::grin:


Yes! Haha they love being on clean up duty


Still catching up on this thread, I haven’t visited in a while! My little miss Lupe is doing great. She’ll be 13 in less than a month.


Glad to see Lupe again. Hope youre fighting the good fight @RosaCanDo



Thanks, friend! She keeps me active even when I’m down and I’m grateful. Doing okay though!


And @Tragicfarinelli i know this is an older convo but I am so in agreement! Both my dogs were acquired from people who found them as strays, my beloved Chucho was born to a stray under my friend’s neighbor’s porch and we got him as a tiny pup, he probably was too young to be away from his mother but she left her litter there at some point. Lupe was dumped in the desert and wandered onto my coworker’s property, she was about 3-4 months old. In Tucson they are generally called “Arizona brown dogs” or street dogs. Half feral but lovely creatures. I’ve met many wild dogs out there who were friends for a while and then wandered on. I miss my buddy Chucho every day.


Now I’ve gotten all nostalgic. Here is Lobo, our resident husky when we lived off the grid in Southern Arizona.

And here are puppy pics of Chucho and Lupe.


Yesterday, my dog, Haley, went into renal failure & had to be euthanized. :sob::broken_heart: She loved chicken, our road trips to the South, barking at people who stood on our lawn, & putting male dogs in their place. :joy: She was an old dog but a good dog. Impeccably trained. Glad we got one more girls trip in. :heart: This was the day we arrived back home from our trip to Louisville this past Labor Day weekend.

This one is definitely hard. :weary: No matter how good or bad my life was for the past 4 1/2 years (I adopted her as a senior rescue), I always at least had my dog. And with my relationship (if it even is that anymore :woozy_face:) on the brink of ending, I’m sad that I won’t have my old dog to get me through. :sob:


Sorry for your loss :people_hugging:

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Oh I’m so sorry to read this. My deepest condolences.


I am so sorry for your loss :paw_prints::people_hugging: There have been too many TS fur babies crossing the bridge lately


((Sonia)) I’m so sorry. How wonderful you rescued her as an older dog. Very kind of you. We said goodbye to our Gunny two weeks ago today. Still grieving a lot. I understand your pain.


There are only 10 people in my department at work. We have lost 4 dogs since March. Number 5 is right around the corner. I’m appreciating my Ruby so much. Lots of hugs, kisses, walks, and fetch!


I am so sad for your profound loss @spgand28 . Haley is a beautiful girl and I know her absence feels massive. Losing a beloved pet is the worst. Hang on to your sweet memories. One day at a time. I will be thinking of you and praying for comfort and peace. I am so sorry.


I am very sorry for your loss. The grief is legit when we lose a fur baby. Sending sympathy and compassion to you as well.

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Thanks, Melinda. Not my first rodeo but it doesn’t hurt any less. I sure love that dog and always will. :sleepy:

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Thank you. :heartbeat:

Thank you so much! :heartbeat:

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I appreciate it. :heartbeat:

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