Physical pain and how it makes me want for usage

Fibromyalgia is kicking my butt, right now I am up crying, and sitting in a Epson salt tub begging God for relief.

I threw away 63 days on Saturday to have a night of no cares and now it’s back to reality.
My body hurts so badly I’m reminded of why I chose to drink and be sick rather than feel this constant pain😭

In less than 4 hours I’ll be at my job number 2 and
I will have had no sleep.
The thought of living a life like my mother had drives me mad.
Turning to a pill addict due to pain and misery she never was able to have her recovery and is still living day to day medicating.
It’s been almost 3 days and I need pain management advice. My emotions can’t handle another relapse and my body can’t take another over the counter pill.


Is cannabis legal where you live?

If so, THCA is non physcho active and doesn’t get you high.

I use a combination of THCA and CBD for crab season.

It eases the pain enough for me to get some sleep.


I got post surgical pain syndrome in 2006 after a hernia repair on my groin 2 ops on it over the years the dx get worse chronic neuropathic pain wide spread body pain with central sensation and now with the chronic pancreatitis the pain is off the charts I feel your pain drinking has be my downfall since my dad gave me my first pint at 10 by 13 on it all weekends with mates my by 15 clubs every weekend by 20 drinks every day I was a club dj for 10 years all ways on the piss

I’ve tried to stop so manny times I feel alone no one understands how much pain I am in the been on that my pain pills :pill: it’s horrible the morphine holly hell makes me feel so bad but I just have days where I think fuck it bro go shop 12 Stella or 3 bottles of frosty jacks that shit should be banned haha

Go to a pain clinic asap even tro tbh they don’t due much :thinking: well in the uk anyway but my consultant has said it might be fentanyl patches on top or constant pain pump :sob:

I just take one day at a time tbh sends virtual hugs :hugs:

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I use tincture. You can’t smoke THCA or it becomes psychoactive.

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Delta 8 is. I was thinking of going in and getting something.

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I used to used opioids to get through crab season. It’s a much healthier alternative.