Plan for reducing triggers when studying/working from home

Today i wanted to try working on my applications at home again instead of going to the library since it will close for 2 months anyway soon.
But i didnt plan it properly and it was incredibly triggering. So i commited myself now to making a plan for the next im going to study/work at home.
My ideas are going into another room
booking a session on cofocus to keep me accountable
Wear business clothes
Set a reminder to take breaks when i cant focus
Keep the goal small, expect that it is more important to not game than to be able to focus on uncomfortable things for a long time

If you guys have any ideas please share!


I set a timer for 20 minutes then take a 10 minute break. I can focus on anything for 20 minutes; personally I find this helpful.

I also do my admin work in the morning, when my mind is most focused. Afternoon or later is when Iā€™m tired and I have trouble focusing.


In early days of sobriety I blocked out whole days with what I would do. Started the day with a meeting or reading a chapter of a recovery book, then had time for work, cleaning, exercise, Netflix, etc. Not an unaccounted minute.