Pleasurable activities

What is meet up?

Asian markets are the best.

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Wow, so many ideas That helps ! Thanks every one. I noticed here, that so.many people seem to be really just embracing life. That’s so very cool and inspiring I must say :slight_smile:

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No growth happens inside your comfort zone.


I get a great deal of satisfaction from building things etc with my hands. Working on the house, landscaping, anything along those lines.

It feels great when you know you did the job the right way, without shortcuts or fudging things, and then you can stand back and look and say, “I did that”, “I made that”. Even cleaning the house gives a great feeling of pride.

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Everyone is different of course but some things I do to keep myself distracted are go for a walk or run, listen to music, read a book, go to the gym, go fishing or hiking… I sometimes just drive around and listen to music or sit at the park and read or fish. It seems to help a lot. The gym and working out are important for me as well. Hope you find “your thing”

Meet up is a social application where you put in your interests and browse groups that get together for activities.
I found movie groups,women who hang out and explore my hometown,hiking,yoga,etc…
There are so many different things to do!


Ok,then I like to go to a local nature center here in the city and wander around,sleep in parks on the grass with a picnic,wander around the art gallery and the adjoining sculpture garden,farmers market alone,movies alone(your local library might have free movie screening with a card.)
Eating somewhere alone.
I like being alone a lot.

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