Hi I’m doing nofap trying to quit porn for good
I’m two weeks in and I don’t want to count the days
I feel great
Welcome Kristian! There’s a bunch of us here working to quit porn / PMO - you are not alone.
If you search “porn” or “PMO” above you’ll find many threads on the topic. I’m sure you’ll appreciate what others are sharing about their journey - I know it helped me to see how I could move forward, and take steps, one day at a time.
Welcome to Talking Sober!
God help me is all I have to say, this is no where near easy, it’s insane, and annoying and frustrating, like your brain doesn’t care what you want, and some how you’re in a trance and then you’re back, knowing that you shouldn’t have, I think I went two weeks a month or two ago when I decided I was really going to try…trying to make it make sense with logic makes me pissed because my own actions don’t add up, it should just be doable…
Welcome to the site! Lots of support here for you!
Been there, was just there on monday. Hit 100 days (been there many times) and then i stopped doing the work and relapsed. Was in a Trance, couldn’t think straight, willpower at a Zero. Yep, i’ve been there. Then i decided to make some drastic changes this time around. I have a thread called E’s accountability. I have a new system i’m using for accounting for my day to day actions, to see if i’m really moving towards progress in a lot of areas in my life. If your trying to quit PMO, you are FAR FROM ALONE. Get your a good filter (lock me out for android is a great one). if your on apple, all i can say is if you download ourpact, you can pretty much turn that phone into a dumb phone until things stabilize. I’ve taken notes and journaled all my behavior for years. I can’t tell anyone what works for them, i can only speak for myself, my best streaks are when i’m all in on connection (accountability partners/checking in with TS), good filters, focusing more on others and not my selfish wants. There are a ton of tools on this site. I researched CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and got some good insite on how to control automatic thoughts. Porn Free Radio by Matt doubshoots is gold. He has so many episodes on a variety of topics that you will need in your tool back to conquer this. Atomic Habits by James clear is great for just changing daily habits and being 1% better every single day, focusing on Systems instead of goals. You will need support, keep checking on TS, when i see your name, i’ll lend an ear. We are truly in this together.
Thanks, I’ve never had support before and I don’t really have any friends or ppl in my life I can turn to, that lockout app sounds like an awesome idea, I’d been looking for something like that for awhile now, also, what is TS?
Also, does the lock out app.have some sort of password protection to keep oneself from getting in?
TS is Talking Sober.
You can setup Lock me out so that you can’t delete the app, once you set your parameters, it’s done.
To give you an example. I have a lock setup from 11am to 10:55am (so, all day) that blocks the internet/chrome/ and all apps that have ‘backdoors’ to get to a browser. They are all blocked. They all give a 30 second window for emergency’s. That’s it.
I have another blocker that kicks in at 9am to 7am. I have chronicled my behavior and i’m determined to make my phone as safe as possible.
Wow in my head I was saying sober talk instead of talk sober my apologies. The whole not being able to delete the app I don’t find helpful if I can still get into the
Oh wow in my head I was saying sober talk instead of talking sober my apologies, I see now how to really lock myself out of the apps, thank you, I laughed to myself as I could feel my brain getting pissed and imagining how any sort of potential cravings or desires in the future are going to be met with raging against me for these current actions I’ve taken lol
Once you have it set, you can’t change it until the time ends.
I gotchu, I paid for the premium, consider it an investment in myself, so yea it’s currently running, I really appreciate it
I know what you mean, I figured it would get easier the longer I went, weakening the neuro path ways and what not, but I can say I haven’t gone long enough
How are you doing this week?
I figured out a trigger I had, something I had been narrowing down for a while now. Went ten days, and started over, things are a bit different, I’ve been fasting as well, and that stunts bad habits and urges by alot, mentally I feel I’ll be able to go much longer, I’m not sure exactly what the change is, but i have to b more aware around week 2
Its interesting, i lost 30 lbs with intermittent fasting this year, for me, when i show discipline in some areas, it sometimes translates to my issues. But it always comes down to what I’m feeding. Of i put myself in harms way, i will fall maybe not today, but sometime soon. I’m either working on a relapse or recovery. Cravings are a product of what I’m taking in. I tell on myself really. Yes, pay attention to your triggers. But you have to go on the offensive, every day.
I had some set backs but, today marks day 10 . Also, today is day 6 of fasting for me! I’ve never gone past day 3, tomorrow is day 7 n then i’ll break my fast. 7 days was my goal, I feel really good about everything all around lol
Fasting has killed if not severely stunted any addictions and bad habits I have had, even nail biting seems to be gone, I have no desire for things, food definitely plays a role, the meats of primitive and instinctual creatures, kinda makes sense we absorb some of their primitive and instinctual urges desires or behaviors when we are consuming them. However I digress, I think people should definitely invest into building up towards fasting if any kind at this point, I can tell I’ll go on to do a full 2 weeks in another 5 days on no PMO, I’ll keep up the updates l, should of done this light years sooner, if I only knew
So uh lol Took me awhile, but next week on the 6th…makes a month!!! WHOOOHOO I know, I’m late, I uhhh had some setbacks lol but it can suck it now, going strong!
Congrats on the progress