Podcast Recommendation

Hey guys,

I want to recommend a podcast for anyone looking for something to help with recovery anyone coping with not feeling alone. I highly suggest listening to the Mental Illness Happy Hour. It’s a weekly conversation between Paul Gilmartin, comedian and former host of dinner and a movie, and a guest about mental illness, daily battles we have in our heads and sexual disfuntions. His website has a forum where people can take and read surveys anonymously and he reads some on the air (I’ve had two read by him on previous episodes). It’s not a substitute for professional help and he acknowledges that but says it’s more like a waiting room that doesn’t suck. He will occasionally have licensed professionals on as guests though. One part comedy, one part brutal honesty and all comforting. Oh and the logo is a station wagon with a giant bottle of medication strapped to the roof of the car.

Let me know if there are any other podcasts you enhoy and are worth checking out too!