Pokemon-go or Ingress anyone?

I’m trying to find something to do to make my long walks with my dog more incentivized. I might jump back on Pokemon go. Or ingress. Both of which are phone apps that require you to literally roam your neighborhood. Anyone into that shit?


Whoa, I haven’t played Ingress in a minute! That game is rad. I should grab it again haha

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So they totally explain how to play better on the updated ingress

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be aware that the game is an addiction machine really… Try podcasts or listen to a book.

If anyone plays they can feel free to add me! Here’s my player code; 8024 3927 9685

I could use friends who play in Phoenix, AZ too… I need to do some trades. Lol :blush:

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It’s better than being on drugs, though. But I can see how it could be detrimental to one’s finances if they lacked self control


Say that to an sex addict…:thinking:
Addiction is in my understanding a disease that spreads through our lives and can leave us in dispare. I do understand why you say that, but when I really found recovery I realized I’d have to try and bann addictive behavior from my being. And God knows that’ll take me some time.
Coffee still is an active addiction I am not ready to settle with also my relation to bad food choices is still an issue for me. But for today I am not using drugs so yeah from that perspective I do understand your view on that a lot.

Have a great day enjoy the weather and
Go catch m all!!! :tada:


Good point. It’s all subjective, then :slight_smile:

Well I don’t believe addiction is subjective.
It’s a killer disease.

I have by WHO standards an incurable progressive disease and if I don’t treat it by working a program it will kill me eventually.

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Okay :slight_smile:

Is it though? Is it really better? I’m on this forum specifically for a gaming-addiction including Pokémon go for a while. Sure, it was good for my physical health, but my mental health is a whole other story. I gave up on all other aspects of life. I ruined the relationship with my family. I failed at school. I avoided all emotions. I pushed them back until I exploded constantly and my pets were victims of my aggression. I wanted to kill myself so fucking badly, but I didn’t have the guts(thank God). Who would want a no-life with autism, ADHD and aggression issues. A manipulative liar who does nothing but sitting on his lazy ass gaming and streaming.
Gaming isn’t necessarily better than drugs. If you can control there’s not an issue. If you feel like control is slipping, feel free to contact me


I just evolved my first Pokemon last week!! I’ve done a lot of walking to hatch these fuckers! Mission accomplished.

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Thank you for this reply :ok_hand:t2: being aware off cross addictions is so important.

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It’s fun, right? Feel free to add me if you want… I posted my gamer code earlier in this thread :slight_smile:

It is! Just sent you invite. I’m ragestealth03

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Pokemon Go is a great way for me to get out of the house and connect with my son. I total enjoy it.


I saw that. Coolness :slight_smile:

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Gaming has never been a problem for me, but I see your point. I’m sure, like anything that provides a dopamine rush, that it could easily become an issue for some people. Luckily I’m not one of them.

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For those interested: my trainer id is 8381 7044 9763