Polyglots of TS unite!

After our conversations I’d say your still nearly fluent in Swedish. Only thing I’ve noticed is that you sometimes write sentences backwords. Like how they get when they are directly translated from another language. But I claim I’m fluent/native in Swedish and do the same thing most of the time.

I might wrote correctly (mostly) but you should hear me speak. My husband usually jokes about sending me on an SFI class. (It’s for people from other countries so they can learn Swedish) and he is Serbian. :blush: It’s very common when you’re having more than one language to handle in everyday life.
That together with forgetting words and just grab whatever replacement word you come up with at the moment. In the language that first get in your head.

It doesn’t make you less fluent though.

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Haha, I have time to think and Google when I type. Visited Sweden a few years ago. Spoke “Swedish”, and people switched to English :joy::joy:

Yes. Guilty as charged LOL

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They do that in a heartbeat here.
Now when my hair is red and I’m out with my husband it doesn’t happen that often.

But sometimes before when I had my natural hair (nearly black) was out and about, having just a little bit of a problem with some words or hanging out with friends who speaks another language, or even answered the phone in something else but Swedish. People just switched into English immediately.

I think it’s either because they are afraid of not understanding/being understood or just don’t take their time to listen and try to understand properly.

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German - native

English - fluent, my main language since moving to Britain 2005

French - 4 years in school, can’t remember a thing. While English came easy to me in school, with French I had to work hard just to pass the minimum grade. I hated it, still do. Apologies to all the French people on here.

Spanish - I started learning on duolingo during lockdown, out of boredom really. I can order food and ask for directions, that’ll do for some holiday help.

I do forget words in German though and at home we switch back and forth between German and English. Sometimes mid sentence. I keep up reading in German from certain authors. But I have to admit, that when watching German telly, the language sounds harsh to me.


oh sorry that’s the “Common European Framework” reference. Just a grading for language proficiency. So I guess B2 would be “intermediate”

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