Porn addiction day 3

Welcome Nathan! :wave:t2: I am also in recovery from porn. There’s a good number of us here; search “porn” “PMO” “masturbation” “pornography” and similar terms and you’ll find bunch of threads. Many of us have had our marriages in danger because of it; many have also caused a divorce by choosing a loveless affair with porn, over a marriage of true emotional and physical connection.

Porn is garbage. It’s a hollow, soul-sucking, life-numbing distraction that wastes time and energy in a world that is totally fake and the opposite of real intimacy.

For me, my recovery really started when I reached out to a sex addiction recovery clinic in my city. There, I learned about causes and recoveries from porn / sex addiction, and I was able to get coaching that helped me move forward, one day at a time.

There’s a good list of groups here:

Take it one day at a time. Find some threads about porn here (search the terms above) and start sharing and listening. You’ll find what you need.