Porn addictions can change a man

Ive triedso many times to stop watching but i just cant, i need help.


Just wanted to say welcome. You seek a good thing. And this is a great community


Welcome to the community. My addiction is alcohol, so I don’t have much insight other than how much something can truly run your life. You’ll find lots of support on here. Wishing you strength!


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

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Welcome KJ, you are not alone. You’re right, you do need help.

For me, my help overcoming this was in joining a sex addiction recovery clinic, where I learned more about my addiction. (Porn addiction is one type of sex addiction. They are all addictions around lust and using self and others for sex.) After that I joined a recovery group focused on sex addiction. The group I joined was Sexaholics Anonymous ( It is having an impact. I understand myself now in a way I didn’t before.

Don’t give up. Keep searching and you will find it.

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True, it made me very narcissistic and when the realization hit that my delusion is shallow and unreal, the narcissism would collapse into self hatred because I really had nothing to bring to the table. Very nasty cycle and dragon to chase. Humility and responsibility were the only things that really did the trick to put a long story short.


my depression has gotten so bad that even watching it doesnt make me feel good anymore and i dont even see the point to it now

aw thanks so much i really needed that. today was rough

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hey thanks for the warm welcome bud

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thanks man that means alot


That is a key realization, porn drops your positive emotion below baseline levels after using it. Do that enough times in a row, like on a daily basis as most of us have, and you get depressed. Moreover, removing sexual desire/motivation and pursuit of a good partner means no goals. No goals means no positive emotion either.

Hypothetical solution: Get yourself as much responsibility as you can handle. Friends, family, intimate relationship, career, hobbies, and routine. If you get married and have children, those things will converge into pretty much the same thing. But start small find what, for you, is the most you can carry that moves you into a future that would be actually good. Hope that helps, if you end up doing something else then best wishes in that endeavor. Quitting will be a very interesting adventure if you really stick to it, but the main thing is getting yourself connected into good places so you’re not aimless and alone without consequences. Good luck, that’s what I did at least.

I was a heavy drinker for 20 years. Tried many things and nothing worked. I started having health problems and realized it was going to kill me and nothing was working. One day I prayed for Jesus to remove the urge to drink from me. That actually worked. I have since asked him to remove any spirit of depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts in Jesus name. He has removed those thoughts. I experience peace now I had never known before. I’m not telling you what to do this is just what worked for me.