Porn/sex/lust addiction support meetings?

Hello. I’m wondering if any porn, sex or lust addicts here has tried group support meetings? I don’t know the proper name, but like AA meetings except it’s for porn-, sex- and lust addicts.

I’ve done a little research, and it would be a bit challenging for me to go to something like this out of practical reasons.
There are these types of meetings, but for me there isn’t in my town. The closest is in the neighbor town, an hour away. My mothertongue is not the same as the majority of the people in my country, and I’m not that good at the language spoken by the majority. There are not meetings in my language. (I have looked it up)

So would it be worth it to go to these meetings? What do you all think?
Any advice, comments or thoughts are highly appreciated.


Hi Liam! I’m an SLAA-er, I do phone based meetings. I believe SA and SAA have phone and online meetings too. You might want to expand your search to include these formats. I celebrated my year recently and I’ve never done an in person meeting but I’m hoping to do one soon.

I LOVE my meetings, they’ve absolutely kept me in recovery. Once you find groups you like, it gets easier to share and that makes it easier to grow.


When I first attended SAA, I drove about 45 minutes to a neighboring city. Back then, the internet was not around and there were very few resources outside of the S-Fellowships. It was a good decision for me. I looked forward to going to that meeting every week.


I have been to these meetings also and they are very helpful. You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to so as long as you understand the language they are speaking I would say it would be beneficial just to listen and speak when you are comfortable. It is good to be face to face with people facing the same challenges.


You can find phone, online and face to face meetings at this link.


Okay! I will look in to that. Thank you for the info, and nice to hear that you’ve improved!

Okay, maybe I should go even tho it would take time an money to travel. And honestly, I think I would look forward to the meetings every week also, if I went.


Thank you for the advice. I agree it’s a good idea to meet people facing the same struggle. That’s the main reason I have started thinking about attending these meetings.

I just got back from a meeting. I didn’t speak during the meeting, just listened today but I have spoke in the past. Hung out for a few minutes afterward to talk one on one with some people.

It feels good.


Cool! Have you found that you’ve made new friends from these meetings? :slight_smile:

I would not say friends as much as connections. Connections with people that share a common problem. Everyone is at a different place in their recovery so some people will stay after the meeting and talk and others will just leave. Part of the recovery process is helping others.


I absolutely made friends.


My problem is that I have not gone regularly. I could see making friends but I haven’t yet.


Hi @Liam8, I’m 6 years sober from sex and love addiction.

Also try and Many meetings in my area are far away, so I did mostly tele conference and Skype meetings until I started a in person meeting 15 minutes away.

There’s also who runs browser based text chat meetings.

Hope this helps and keep coming back!


Thank you for the info!:smiley: