Hi. 3 days sober after wasting 87 days sobriety back in september. I already feel myself and can feel myself looking up at the world rather than down at my feet in shame. I have run with my ddg for three days and ran well…not just to rid my breath of alcoholic fumes so that my colleagues and pupils would not notice. I feel so much more positive. I’m planning running races and am actually training hard. My classroom and house look tidier and I ordered a load of new things to make french more interesting for kids learning. I wrote an email to my parents telling them how much I loved them. ALloyd this positivity as alcohol is no longer controlling me. After 3 days… only 3… i can start to see the real me. This time I am determined to succeed. Last time I got to 87 days and thought I’d beaten this. But hey we learn. Whilst I am being positive… jUstinov want to say good luck whoever and wherever you are in the world. Good on you for doing something about your addiction.
Continue with your success my friend.
I love what you wrote. Awesome that you are back to being the best version of yourself and you seem to be grateful about life! I’m 16 days sober and My emotions are like a roller coaster. There are times when I’m soooo happy and there are times when I’m so sad and anxious. Being drunk I remember not caring about anything… I didn’t care about my goals, dreams or relationships, but now it’s sooooo different. I have dreams and I started working on them and that’s super exciting for me. You sound like you’re in a great path. I pray you have more happiness, patience for when you’re feeling down, and the strength to keep going my friend stay strong, stay positive and stay sober