Possible relapse

I made a post earlier about how I had relapsed. I was over a week strong keeping of drinking but then my friend came over for a catch-up and I ended up drinking again. I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself because I wasn’t strong enough to resist a drink.

I’ve been working today and only now I’ve walked around the house to tidy up etc and there is drink sitting left from last night. Since it’s in front of me I am so tempted just to finish it and saying to myself ‘might as well not waste the money and just drink it’ but also arguing with myself that no I broke my sobriety and I want to get back on track.

After arguing with myself I’ve turned to this (coming on this app) and I’m proud of myself that I’m typing this rather than pouring a glass but at the same time I’m so torn.


Good for you.
Did you dump it out?


Awesome job in coming here to seek advice that alone shows how strong you are.
Don’t be ashamed that you relapsed, be proud that you are able to admit it and keep on fighting.
Personally I’d say waste the money, and toss that drink right down the sink, or give it to someone else.


Honestly at the moment it’s still sitting there, I haven’t poured it down the sink because I’m so on edge about what I’m going to do.

I am happy I’ve posted this but because I got the taste last night again for it I’m just scared

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Dump it, … I know for me, one sip, one drink would only increase my desire for more alcohol and I would not be able to stop. You can do thus one moment at a time, immerse yourself in sober stories. I wish you the best


This is why I posted when I saw the leftover drink, I need these kind words to help me through it it!

It is hard but I know what I want for myself and what I want is a better future and not to have this hanging over me. It will be so easy for me right now to give in and it’s scary but I also need to think about more than just tonight

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Pour the drink out restart you will find power in pouring it down the toilet :pray:t2:


I hear you, and I know it’s so hard but I promise you, life without alcohol is so worth it. I’ve spent the last 10 years abusing alcohol and I’m now one month sober. I am a new person, only wish I had stopped years ago but then again, perhaps I wouldn’t be so thankful for a new lease at life. I’m sending positive vibes your way today :yellow_heart:


Dump it! Fast forward… this is a movie without Happy end, and you know it! Good you reached out first, stay strong.

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I really appreciate all of the kind words! I haven’t dumped it yet but I’m in bedroom now so I’m not looking at the temptation!

I know that I will dump it, I can’t do it right now which is why I took myself away from looking at it but I won’t give in

I think its a difficult task because it signifies an end. Like saying goodbye to a loved one for the last time. But it’s something that needs to be done. It’s a possible watershed moment you, one that you will look back on with pride. You can do it.


If you think about it
Pouring down the drain isnt wasting money but buying it is wasting money

Poor it and say no more
Drink and buy more and drink and buy more

I thought about that a lot and its helping me stay clean

I have flushed lots which is good
I drank crown royal at 14 years old just to run out and get more which is bad

Just because alcohol is leagal doesnt make it a safe and right substitute


I’m so glad you dumped it out. Good for you, that takes a lot of strength! There’s no need for that poison anymore :muscle:

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Happy to know you dumped the drink. It’s tough, but keep focused. PROTECT YOUR SOBRIETY at all times. Stay on this community platform for support. If you haven’t already, attend an AA meeting.


Glad you dumped it, well done for that!
A small victory for you and many small victories leads to big ones!!
Coming here to ask for help was a great decision and I hope you will do so as well the next time when you have cravings. One of the mantra’s on here is: never crave alone!

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Good job reaching out for help! Don’t be hard on yourself. Acknowledge that drinking is unhelpful to your happiness and well being and try and move forward. It’s not easy but you can do it! Pour it out. No amount of money is worth your misery.

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