Got the dogs a new bed because they are spoiled. My Fox got to be the first to enjoy it
Awww look at that comfy bear. So lovely
Cute floof! It’s fun to spoil our pups, isn’t it?
His look says it’s his now,
Yes! My babies are getting older so it’s a fancy memory foam thing for their joints. And I’ve had to get my oldest steps to get into bed
Lol he is pretty good about sharing with his sister. She gets her way even when I can tell he isn’t happy about it
Oh man, I’m so sorry…
Hugs to you.
I am so so sorry for you. I know your Grizz knew he was loved. Glad you didn’t drink.
My dog loves the ol poop too bahaha I switched up her food and started giving her more attention it helped but yeah its hard to break that habit, once they start on the chocolate its hard to break the habit haha
Thank you
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. I’m glad I didn’t drink too.
Adorable. What kind of dog is he?
He was a stray I found. We aren’t really sure. He has traits of husky but just not really sure. He looked a lot like a fox when I first found him so that what I named him lol
he was 20lbs when we found each other. And he had many skin issues and mites. We have had him 7 years now and he still has allergies but other than that he is nice and chunky lol. (Sorry not sure why I kept going with info )Perhaps they need a handy app for motivation and community 🥸
One of my two is a poop muncher. Not ideal. Especially since it always makes him burp after and I’m not sure there is a more horrible smell that doesn’t involve death in some fashion.
Those are some big holes. It looks like he/she is thinking about how to connect them by underground tunnels.