Haley Jane likes all the toys lol
Sooooo cute!!! But my favorite is the car!! Lol love it!!
@Runningfree, I’m so sorry for your loss. He looks like a sweetie and a very good boy. We lost a kitty a year ago and I know how hard it is.
Condolences. They leave such a big hole behind but lots of happy memories too
Thanks guys. Each day gets easier but still hard at the same time.
It took me a few weeks after Lady died before I could bring myself to wash the last muddy tail print off the wall. Still miss her loads over a year later but much easier to focus on the happy memories now.
I put his dirty rope away and am holding onto it. Not sure when or if I will be able to throw it away.
This is my cat minty ! I’ll get a photo of her sister up soon but pepper doesn’t like having her photo taken for some reason
Dobies are my absolute favorite. My hound guy has Doberman in him and I can tell because he cleans himself like a cat! (Total Doberman trait )
It was wonderful meeting my brothers dog Nallia. He current foster parents gave her a grooming Thursday. She sure looks different.
I like your emoji
yep, she does that all the time!