Find any needle balls yet from the larch? Flathead is well known for making them. If not, keep checking and you will. Really cool looking and sometimes as big as a softball!
I’ve never seen such a fluffy humming bird!
I can just say they are all well fed.
Not in the same league as a @Seb bird photo, not even the same hemisphere , but if you look closely you’ll see a noisy woodpecker. He wouldn’t let me get any closer with the dog girl by my side…
So beautiful
I would stay looking at that bird all day!
Far Out Dirk…you did great even with a crappy phone. I have a crappy phone picture taking too… sometimes just good enough.
PS I am out of likes again… Will swing by later and change the heart color.
P.S.: me and my friends who saw this bird think it’s a hawk, can anyone confirm or correct us?
Cooper’s hawk??
Very predatory of poor garden passerines
Certainly looks like it, thanks!
Tell me that’s not your tree, CJ… raking leaves is about as much fun as clipping someone else’s toenails, I feel!