Pot while in recovery?

Day 5 opiate addict here. I know everyone’s path is different but I was curious to get other opinions on this topic. I don’t even know if talking about using other recreational “drugs” is allowed so if it is not please lmk and I will delete! Before picking up pills, I was not addicted to anything. I rarely drank, not even social. It had to be like a real special occasion and I’d have Max two bc I just don’t find pleasure in alcohol. I’ve smoked pot also rarely but did enjoy the occasional toke every now and then. I’m certain this “random” thought isn’t random at all and it’s a form of a “crave” I guess. I’m not craving pills surprisingly but I was outside and was like hmmm what is the actual definition of sober? Does it vary? Bc I know I could go out with my husband right now and have a glass of wine and not become an alcoholic bc it doesnt give me the feeling my toxic old bff opiates do. Same for THC. Anyways. I have no intention of putting any kind of mind altering substance in my body be it in any form right now but I needed to get this off my chest.


To me, sober is required for recovery which means zero mind/mood altering substances. That’s my path. :blush:


There are different schools of thought on this. For some, all drugs must be avoided, as it is a slippery slope for an addict
…often we simply exchange one addiction for another (and you can add in any form of addiction there, gambling, sex, shopping, etc…not just drugs and alcohol…anything that can be addictive and abused). Whatever you get that rush from, if you get the rush, it should be avoided.

Alternatively, some people don’t abuse certain drugs/things and don’t find them addictive at all. So for them, they can use certain substances to help wean off another or for anxiety, etc.

I think it all depends on your chemical make up and how honest you are able to be with yourself. I know for me, I have abused MANY substances over the years (any pill imaginable, Ambien, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, crystal) but I never had an issue with abusing weed (I hate that high feeling) or taking acid or mushroom trips (40+ years ago). I currently have a prescription for medical marijuana tincture for sleep. I don’t abuse it or use it to get high, I use it so I can sleep. I would NEVER suggest it for some people. But for me, it works. And that is a real blessing after being an insomniac for 30+ years. I am also at an age and place in my life where I know myself very well and am honest with myself. YMMV

Everyone is different and every path is different. Recovery for me is being sober from substance abuse and working on my self and why I was abusing substances.


Let us all know how it goes. I’m a heroin addict. I thought I could still drink too. 2 rehabs, a bunch of lost jobs, relationships, houses, etc here I am. Clean from all drugs and alcohol. It was a tough lesson to learn. Addiction isn’t just to a single substance. It’s your body craving a release of endorphins. That’s why it’s so easy to substitute drugs. But eventually, if you don’t change any of your patterns and behaviors you will most likely end up back on opiates even worse than before. I didn’t start using a needle until I was like 10 years in to my addiction. Eventually pot and booze won’t be strong enough and then what?


Thank you everyone for your insight. It was all needed information. My mom is actually (laugh) an addiction specialist who has warned me to stay away from any mind altering substance while in recovery or EVER for that matter. In the moment I was posting I just had feelings of wanting to be “my old self” as in pre opiate using self. I found fun in regular fun activities without drugs. And if it was an occasion where there was alcohol sure I would have a drink with my husband. Like a (more laughing) normal person. With no thought of omg more more more. So weird. Anyways. Thank you for the support.


Id have to agree with @SassyRocks on this one.
Good luck and congratulations on your sobriety :sunglasses:


I get it. I wanted to be able to have a beer or toke occasionally too. Unfortunately opiates change the wiring in your brain to crave any high. However, if you aren’t convinced, go out and tried some controlled drinking, or smoking. Maybe you were able to stop using before any changes became permanent.


It really has helped me cut alcohol cravings but its still mind altering as others have said. If you’re like me, you just want to fully connect with yourself and others again. And I think weed gets in the way of that.


I think HOW IT WORKS covers what your question.

The only way to keep from returning to active addiction is not to take that first drug. If you are like us you know that one is too many and a thousand never enough. We put great emphasis on this, for we know that when we use drugs in any form, or substitute one for another, we release our addiction all over again.

Thinking of alcohol as different from other drugs has caused a great many addicts to relapse. Before we came to NA, many of us viewed alcohol separately, but we cannot afford to be confused about this. Alcohol is a drug. We are people with the disease of addiction who must abstain from all drugs in order to recover.

Yes, it specifically mentions alcohol, but I’m a firm believer that if you substitute anything for the other you’re asking for trouble.


I love pot ,I feel I can’t have pot because I made the decision years ago after taking many many risks with my job and freedom because where I live I feel it will never be legal.so for my family’s sake I walked away from pot,I still miss it,now I’m 28 days sober from alcohol,I filled my void with the legal stuff,so for many years I have been a functioning drunk.If I was free to smoke i probably would turn into a functioning pot head so all I can say is they are all drugs so the choice has to be where you want to be in your life and mind


Keep us posted on your journey wish you well

Weed gives me panic attacks and makes me want to drink to calm down

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I’m not really sure…addiction is only partly physical…there is a LOT of it that is psychological too. You need to search deep in your heart and soul to discover WHY you are addicted. I would suggest that while you do that you take absolutely no mind altering substances (well, maybe not caffeine…some people give up caffeine but I know that would be far too much for me to handle). If in time you can truly and confidently conclude that it is only opiates that is your problem perhaps you really can continue to use other substances safely. For me I know it is not the case. I am addicted to escape, the substance doesn’t matter. Heck, I can easily become addicted to diet and exercise if I let myself. I could get addicted to reading, or gaming. All of it is a form of escape from a life that I fear is inadequate.


I thought I could smoke pot with no problem. But I realize that I dont have a DOC when it comes to drugs. It’s any drug. Opiates were never my thing, I didn’t like the way they made me feel but if that’s all that was around then I did. I was a mixer, a little booze, a little blow, a little weed, etc etc. When I tried smoking pot while in recovery I found that I wanted to drink too, so I did. Plus, the fact that I wanted to smoke ALL the time. My compulsive behaviors started kicking in and then I stopped smoking.


[quote=“VSue, post:14, topic:63383”] I am addicted to escape, the substance doesn’t matter.

Same here.

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Yes this brought me in check. I dont know what the case is with me but I’m not willing to try it out just yet. Maybe after some time under my belt? Maybe. Right now it’s a hard no. I’m not having any real significant cravings so I’m not going to test my luck by doing something that may make me crave for real. You guys are great.

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That’s a good goal. The last time I smoked weed, or hash, Ronald Reagan was still in his first term as President. If they legalized pot in my state tomorrow, I wouldn’t touch it, because I’d likely enjoy it too much.

I don’t need any escape from reality, beyond a good book, audio drama podcast, or engaging movie. If I want a high, I get it the natural way: exercise, a cold shower, or perhaps a little “alone time” with the Mizzus.

For me, clean and sober means exactly that.

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I have to agree , staying away from all mind altering substances is best for an addict. If not it becomes a slippery slope. Best of luck.

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