Power in being "Powerless"

One of the first things that an addict must admit on the journey to sobreity is that they are powerless over alcohol ( or Any other DOC )that life has become unmanageable, and some people can’t imagine ’ Giving up to defeat" , some people GENUINELY Believe this is an act of weakness.
I think that this is the complete opposite ,I think that’s the strongest thing an individual can do , look in the mirror and say " I need help, I’m the problem and the problem can’t fix itself without outside help." To have the courage to not only face life and try to live it sober …but to also believe in something you can’t see , a higher power , through just having faith and knowing he/ she / it will get you through it …maaaaaaaaan !! …that’s power and strength right there …way more then just giving up to a substance that’s actually destroying us and only giving us short term peace while adding more problems. It’s not weakness to admit that we are wrong , to admit we might be the problem , to admit we need help . Self reflection and the ability to try to make positive changes in a world that constantly tries to make us cynical is the strongest thing a person can do. I hope this speaks to new comers and sober veterans alike . I love you guys…we are brothers and sisters through common struggle and hope :+1::wink: …stay strong :muscle: …stay sober :heart:


The greatest paradox I’ve found in recovery.

That in admitting defeat I found true strength for the first time.


Surrender to win comes to mind


Wow. This was the topic at my meeting last night. I’ve proven to myself many times over that I am surely POWERLESS. Powerless over people, places and things. I remind myself who and what I am everyday. There’s a freedom in knowing I am powerless. I quite fighting anything or anyone. I am then able to accept myself for exactly who I am. All the good and all the bad. Which in turn allows me to accept others for exactly who they are. Then comes the tolerance… that just makes every situation better. Im able to take things in stride and go with the flow. When I try to control… I get rigid or frustrated… a clear indicated to myself that im not running the show. Thank you for your words. Its nice to meet people where they’re at… and meet life willingly @Johasy_toribio

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