Prayers for ALL AND ANYBODY whether they may be in active addiction, or just need a prayer to be said for them. All prayers welcome 🙏🏻

Hi everybody! I’m richie a grateful recovering heroin and crack addict. I was just reading today and had seen that somebody had written something about needing prayers to be said for themself. I felt the need to open a topic for those who may need prayers said for them, or loved ones etc. Even if you just want to share about how prayer helps you even, anything is welcome. Prayers for the ones who won’t find these rooms and recovery at all, or the ones who’ve passed that you may know. I make it a point daily to pray for those who are still suffering. It’s a big deal and it’s so important for me to have this at the forefront of my head, because I can as many forget things and I don’t want to forget that I was given many chances that others won’t ever get. That god had a plan for me and it’s my responsibility to do whatever his will is for me.

I want to take a second to say to my higher power whom I choose to call god “thank you for the gift of this day you’ve given me so graciously and freely. I thank you for helping me stay sober today, and for doing my best in all areas of my life. I ask that you look over the people who are suffering right now and may you be with them and help them feel loved and remind them their is always hope. God may you help the addict who doesn’t know their is a way out to be able to find the rooms, and look over those who haven’t had that opportunity before. I ask for you to help me to never forget how precious and big of a blessing my recovery is god, and how I have been given such a large community of fellow’s in the forum I joined yesterday. God thank you for helping me make that choice, I ask that you look over every single person on this forum and keep them safe and heathy and when they may need you that you’re there for them. That you remind me you’ve got the wheel. I say these things all in you’re name, AMEN :pray:t2:”.

Thank you all for letting me share and just shed some of my personal experience with you all. I feel so lucky to be able to do so. Have a wonderful night all and keep comin back!


Welcome Richie, and thank you for your beautiful post and prayers above. This forum is a wonderful place full of many kind and caring people; many of whom have helped me on my journey of recovery, for which I am SO grateful. Blessings to you and your journey :blush:
#SoberLife=OurBestLife :pray::raised_hands::muscle::blush:


Very much appreciated!!! I am really happy to hear that it’s been such an amazing experience and plAce for you to have people help and be part of your journey and recovery. That’s what it’s about! God bless! The prayers are what I do everyday. I’m just doin my best to spread it.

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Welcome to the forum my friend, and what a lovely share man…really good to have you on here :grinning:


My pleasure it’s a beautiful thing to be apart of and I thank you for you’re warm welcome man. I am very much excited where my life is headed. God bless as always.

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Wow. Your prayer post is truly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. It reminds me of how I’ve always been someone who prayed, but since really living in sobriety, prayer is such a stronger part of my life. This also happened to bring back a memory of how when I first began aa, (in June 2018) I told my mom and she asked if it would be okay to share that with my grandmother, who she has weekly phone calls with. My grandmother lives in another country and doesn’t speak English. My mom said, when she told her I was beginning a serious path to recovery from my drinking, my grandmother was so happy and said she felt like her prayers had been answered, because she knew of my struggles and had been praying for me :heart:


Hi there quiet turtle! :grin:

Thank you very much for the kind words and the way you related to the way you love to pray and that it sparked some memories for you. That’s pretty amazing to hear that makes my heart feel good today. I thank you for sharing that as my grandparents are very old and i love them dearly too. Hope you are having a great day and that you are stayin healthy safe and strong. All the best to you always look forward to seeing more of you on here (forum). :pray:t2::bangbang::heart:

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I could use some prayer

My step father is an alcoholic. Admits it and yet admits that he loves to drink. Any excuse/reward to have a drink is good enough. He’s a really great guy (when he’s sober and not hungover). Has a good heart. This guy isn’t the guy we met when he started dating my mother. My mother doesn’t like his drinking anymore. It’s starting to get nasty toward her with his words. He’s just not enjoyable to be around. Maybe because we are back in church and my sobriety is disrupting the way things were and aren’t anymore. I just pray that something in him changes and that I continue to have strength against reaction. Because I’m afraid the old me might come out one day when he’s not being so nice to my mother with his liquid courage. I want him to stop fighting the people that love him. If there’s anyone that knows, it’s us here in recovery. Thanks for your time :pray: