Presentation of my drinking problem

I am Manuel and I am looking for help/support and good comments about your proccess, Ive been drinking for many year in a wrong way, I still no have problems like jail, money, cheating, drugs or something like that, and I dont want to have it.

Due to the alcohol I have been depress and anxious all the time with panic attacks and medicated(NO MORE), I always said that alcohol was my scape of my problems and it calms the anxiety, it is bullshit, it make worse.

So I am here trying to be a better person with a calm mind.

Sorry about my english I prefer to write in spanish but I think that it will be no possible.

Pease and respect on your battle.


Welcome Manuel! We’re glad to have you! I also suffer from sever Anxiety and severe depressive disorder, which lead me to drink quite a lot. After having all those problems you spoke of (drugs and arrests and such) I had nearly destroyed my own life. I’m now 50 days sober and counting! Believe me my friend it can get better! Also talk to your doctor about a referral to a psychiatric nurse practitioner. If you talk to one of those, you can admit your drinking problem and they can treat your anxiety and depression with non-narcotic treatments that will improve your sleep habits, your over all attitude and your outlook on life in general!
Help is out there my friend and you’ve just taken the first step towards it! Just press on and eventually you’ll find full recovery!


Hello Manuel!
Welcome. It sounds like you are here to get sober BEFORE You go to jails, or lose everything, and that is a very strong choice you making. I know it can be a little slow here in this site for people to respond. But if they don’t answer your posts here, then write another one and ask,for help, AGAIN. Until people start saying hello to you and can help you. Sometimes it’s late afternoon evening before anyone is on the site here, but hang in there we are all here for the same reasons .
I only have a couple days sober Manuel but there are people here with a long time clean, and some have great life stories to tell and a lot of answers for us new comers#!! I hope I see you again here. Youre kind of special; you aren’t waiting til you are in the hospital or prison to decide to stop drinking!!!
If you drink, just come right back here. I have relapsed 10 times or more here. And they usually welcome you right back drinking or NOT. You just have TO WANT TO quit drinking to be here with us all.


Luke, thanks to take your time, finally after year i quite medication so i dont want to return to this thoughts. I prefer to battle it with force and love in myself.

Thanks Miguel. Keep us motivated

Millions of people did it, why we not?

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Thanks, maybe I didn’t explain me well, I still didn’t at jail or had a big problem.
I trying to quit of alcohol to avoid problems.

I will keep in touch

Thanks, this possibility always is open when anyone is out of control.

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I deal with depression and anxiety too. I’ve been using alcohol to avoid facing difficult feelings and was afraid just to look at myself truthfully. What have I found? Not drinking makes it SO much easier to deal with my problems because I actually deal with them and come up with solutions. I’m so much more present.

Agreed that alcohol deals causes anxiety and depression. If you can’t get a prescription from a doctor, trying getting these two supplements. They are Amino Acids so you cannot over do them. L-Theanine which helps with anxiety and L-Tyrosine which helps with depression and do motivation. I am on anti-depressants and anxiety meds and these amino acids work just as well

Thanks, I am just outing of this problems, I was sober for almost 2 months and it was so amazing, I started to drink again only to rediscover that is so much better feel all sober.
As a drinker my brain always is trying to convence that i need alcohol this is the reason that i am looking for this kind of group to remember that it is only my body trying to get one more beer.

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Thanks, I am just taking valerian root to sleep better, i will search more info about this amino

Reminding myself that it’s just my body having cravings and that they will pass has been really helpful for me too. It’s awesome to hear that sobriety felt good for you. That’s what I keep reminding myself of too.

I am just like you. I thought that drinking help with my anxiety, but doesnt. I would get more crazy over the little things and think into actions way too much. My thoughts go out to you and i hope we can make it down this road together


Not being rude, just not sure if you saw the timeline on some of these feeds that sit in our forum. For instance, the person you’re commenting to hasn’t posted anything in over 2 months. Just trying to help being you’re new.

Thanks for the tip :blush: