Pretty naffed off! 🤬

So I am pretty new to sobriety and I am trying to darned hardest to work through it, I have been, or should I say was an extremely heavy drinker for the past 10 years, not ONCE have I EVER had an advert for alcohol appear on my social media UNTIL TODAY.
Yesterday I joined this app, today I have joined multiple sobreity support groups on Facebook, so why is it only when I’m in the fight to become sober, my very first alcohol advert comes up???

I hate social media algorithms. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


You know what you need to then then alot of ppl drop social media platforms atleast for awhile anyhow ,I get sobriety ones come up on my ,I tend to hop on n off I spend no more than 2 hours a week on faceache if that but for the first 3/4 motths I didn’t have it at all.but it’s definitely a personal choice.:pray::pray:


Fuck cookies. They should make it so that you can turn on advertisement filters so that you don’t get this bullshit. I am a gaming addict. After rehab I got a new phone with new accounts for everything, literally everything and still all my advertisements are about games. Such a pain in the ass in early recovery


It’s the devil. Actually it’s your own mental addiction. When you quit, you’ll see alchohol everywhere you go or relate it to anything. Stay on course.


I have to admit I didn’t really notice just how many alcohol ads were in all sorts of media until I first gave up. TV, magazines, social media, buses etc. I thought I would have to go in a sensory deprivation chamber to get away from them. It is like when you have a hangover, throwing up and all you see are food advertisements and food programmes.
I hope you can get past them without putting a brick through the telly or throwing your phone out the window. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Alcohol is just everywhere in western societies. And like has been said we notice it all the more once we abstain from it. Be ready to notice and be irritated by it for some time to come. For myself I can see I’ve gotten used to it now and it hardly bothers me no more. Took quite a while though. Keep going Lucy. you’re doing good.

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Ugh I’m sorry that stuff has been popping up, it’s so triggering. I got rid of all my social media a few years ago but I never realized until I began my sobriety journey just how much alcohol and drinking is everywhere in society like the others have said. Seeing all the ads and noticing how many songs and shows mention drinking or are centered around drinking…it really opened my eyes.

I haven’t found a good way to stop seeing the ads and other things promoting alcohol, but it has become easier for me to ignore.

Sometimes it makes me feel bad for those who waste money on it like I used to too, but I also remember not to judge because plenty of people can drink socially without a problem. It’s just not for this guy lol

I hope you find a way to get rid of those annoying ads! Getting rid of social media was one of the best things I did for my mental health.


My thoughts are with you and your trigger. To be honest a lot of times you have to remove yourself from all things, even social media, if they are triggers for you. I actually deactivate my account about four months ago, because I was about to start school and didn’t want to be distracted. what I end up finding out is that social media was a trigger for my drinking! My friends and family call me all the time now. Instead of relying on Facebook to engage with me. I absolutely love it and I don’t even know if I’m going to go back. Many blessings to you!


You need to stop advertisers from tracking you, here’s how -


I’ve just looked for a birthday card for a friend. Nearly half of those I looked through referenced drinking excessively.:grimacing:


I had the same problem right when I first stopped drinking, it really was annoying!