Pretty proud of myself

In away am proud of myself cause normally I can’t stop drinking then taking cocaine when I drink but last night was different cause I said to myself am only gonna have four beers cause they cause left there in my fridge from time ago and the weather was nice so I just why not bin a shit day got lay off from work so I did and guess what I didn’t get any coke just had four beers zoot and smoked all my bacci I had left and got no money to get some more so now I have no choice but to give smoking up hahahaha but its time to focus now


I’m so glad that you stopped! Be proud of yourself! Maybe next time you can have a plan in place to help?

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Just in my own case, I am an addict. Not a heroin addict, or crack addict, or even just alcohol addict. I am full blown, do all the drugs, drink all the liquor, burn down the house addict. Sure, I might be able to go have a couple of beers today. But I know for a fact that within a few weeks I’d be chugging liquor, shooting dope, and smoking Boulder sized crack rocks.

Hi, I’m Derek and I’m an addict. Drugs and alcohol are but a symptom of the bigger issue. My thinking.


I know I only did it the once but I do feel like I have it under control but I get use it is easy to fall back into it that’s why am gonna be smart about it and just focus on the gym from now on keeps me focus but am glad I didn’t take any coke because that is my main problem

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So your basically telling a bunch of addicts and alcoholics they can drink safely? Have fun with that but no thanks for me. I’ve seen that movie and the ending sucks.


Yeah, agreed. Saying that you’re going to have some “last hurrah” is setting yourself up for failure in the future. Sobriety isn’t about glorifying our past, it’s about feeling horrified by all the damage we’ve done and wanting/needing a change for good.


I didn’t say its safe to drink did I all I say is am proud myself for not taking coke that’s how I feel you got to look at things more positive lad not negative and am trying to stay clean that’s that’s the way forward am just being honest about how I felt cause that’s a big step for me in the right direction


I know yeah that’s why am gonna stay clean from now on cause I will end up a square one and I don’t want that in my future am better off without it but I just felt positive that I didn’t take any coke


So basically exactly what I did?

And now I’m a snowflake because I know I can’t drink safely? Ok. Fine I guess I’m a snowflake then. Me and the millions of other people who can’t drink safely.

Its commendable that you were able to restrain yourself. Sobriety starts now.

Also, @Donut89, I’m pretty sure that calling @englishd a snowflake belongs on the Roast Derek thread. :joy:


Very good point. We do have an entire thread dedicated to roasting me.

Well, he is a snowflake, regardless. :joy:

Just for that I’m going to train my ass off so I can get my 5k time under yours so you will have been bested by a snowflake! Ha!


Hey, I’m a snowflake too.

Were all just snowflakes in a big snowstorm.

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The term alcoholic/ism and addict might be outdated. I prefer substance use disorder when I’m around normies. It’s in the DSM-V and is used by doctors. Using alcoholic and addict does have a stigma attached to it that prevents people from seeking treatment. I use those terms here bc I’m amongst like minded folks, but generally don’t use them when interacting with the regular populous


I really hope you don’t uninstall! Your comments always chirk me up. Not sure what I think about this thread but I hope you stay.


It’s all about being straight forward if people can’t handle the truth that’s there problem not yours we need me people in the world like that so I don’t think you should delete the app


Yeah…kinda gonna have to disagree with you here: Addicts are great at rationalizing (ie. lying) to themselves that they “don’t have a problem”, “have it all under control”, “can quit when I want to”, “just this one time”, “I deserve it”, “I earned it”, “I’m an adult and this is what adults do”.

How do I know? Because these are but some the very lies I told myself, when I was actively drinking. I look at the name of this forum: Talking Sober. Not “Playing Sober”.

Now if OP’s goal is to quit Coke right now, and wants to tackle each addiction one at a time, that’s his choice, and his plan. I can respect that. However, I wouldn’t be patting myself on the back if I had conquered alcoholism by switching to pot, and claim sobriety.

But hey, we all have out paths to walk, our own burdens to bear. I just see that my path is bordered on both sides by a very slippery slope, and the only safe path, is one of 100% abstinence from intoxicating substances.


i think we’d all benefit if we kept in mind that this site/forum is for anyone to discuss their sobriety. and i think we should remember everyone gets to this site differently and has different intentions of using it. not everyone here is an alcoholic or addict. not everyone here wants to actively engage in a program of recovery. not everyone here wants to be entirely clean and sober, some may be looking for moderation or abstinence. i think it’s important we try and keep that in mind when responding to stuff,

OP started this thread saying he was pretty proud of himself. he didn’t include anything along the lines of asking for opinions or input from others or state what his hopes are regarding sobriety/moderation/abstinence/recovery? had he asked for input or anything maybe then we could have derailed the whole thread into an entirely different subject, but, i feel like OP just wanted some cyber high fives? ya know?

if you’re proud of yourself then heck yea OP you do you! :smile:


And positive you should feel. Each and every time you say “no”, you’ve exercised self-discipline. With each repetition, you get stronger. I had one hell of a relapse, after I decided to get sober. Had 30 days, and then used my Ma’s death as an excuse to really crawl into the bottle.

Please don’t take this as a “here’s your participation trophy”. If your goal is to be 100% clean and sober, go for it! Claw and kick and punch and bite your way there. One drink, line or toke at a time, saying “no” gets you one step closer.