Prostitution is NOT glamorous

Thank you Dana for sharing. I am grateful for your courage. I am grateful for your labour of caring, for yourself and for others, in writing your story. Thank you.

I used pornography for many years. I lived a double life, saying that I supported and respected women, but actively supporting an industry that is so tightly tied to exploitation of vulnerable young women. I am learning about this here and from my sex addiction recovery group.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I hope you find healing and peace in these new, sober years of your life :innocent:


Thank you so much for your honesty and sharing Dana. Your bravery is very inspiring. Many hugs being sent your way. :yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::heart:


I’m going to challenge this because I feel that you aren’t paying attention to your side of the street here.

Consider the man who chooses to engage in a very intimate act with someone he does not know, even while she is displaying signs that she is just in it for the money and numbing her senses to get there. Seems to me like there is a mental burden on both sides.

Edit: addicts as a whole are sick people, and all have strong personal issues.


23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void new

Thank you for sharing this.


Not really the place for this discussion.

Please see points 1, 5, 10 and 11


Thanks you so much for sharing your story Dana. I absolutely applaud you for getting out of the trade, it is truly inspiring beyond anything I’ve read in a long long time.

Again thank you.


Sorry for getting thread blown out away from original message.


Give me a few minutes to clean up the thread before I reopen it to constructive conversation.

I’ve moved a number of posts, trying to strike a balance between preserving history and weeding out off-topic content. Please be sensitive to the original poster and her experience when posting.

Thank you, and I just want to apologize for how that all came about. My original post wasnt meant to create an argument or cause trouble… but only to just show and help others to realize what its like from the other side of prostitution. Thank you to everyone for your support :heart:


There is NOTHING that you have to apologize for, Dana. I am sorry that you had to experience that after opening your heart.


No need to apologize. You bravely and generously offered a beautiful contribution and taught and inspired many of us doing so. Thank you.


Dana there is nothing for you to apologise for. Thanks for putting that out there I’m just sorry that there were some responses such as that. Your a strong woman and this place is all the better for you being here. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely no reason to apologize for anything. I respect you and your honesty and bravery so very much.

I would caution all of us to remember that we are all where we are at in our personal journeys. Sometimes what seems so obvious to us, is not available for someone else to understand yet. Respect, kindness and compassion for all of us helps lift us all. I am not saying we allow poor behavior, but perhaps we lead with compassion. Be kind, but take no shit. :heart:


Thanks so much for sharing Dana. You are a strong brave woman who sets a shining example for all of us trying to find our own ways towards recovery.


I should be the one to apologize. I pushed the argument. I’m passionate about this topic, because I hate to see people hurt and in pain. There’s no safe way to be in the sex industry.


I feel really good right now. This could’ve turned into such an embarrassing and shameful topic but all of you are so supportive. Thank you for making me feel not alone and for making me feel proud to have shared what I did. Even tho the intent was to help others, it actually really helped me. I have been removed from that lifestyle for about 5 years and I felt a huge sense of relief. Idk how to describe it. Thank you everyone :heart:


This makes my heart so full. :heart: Together we are stronger!!


Thank you for sharing your story!! :two_hearts::two_hearts: