Proud of You ALL

I just wanted to say to everyone who see’s this, that I am proud of you!!! If you’re in recovery, still trying to recovery, or even still using, but wanting to go into recovery. I am PROUD. And happy as hell you are here among us; sharing your stories. Addiction and recovery isn’t easy. I’m not saying this to scare anyone, it’s just the truth. Getting clean is HARD. However, NOT impossible. Each one of you have it in you to get clean, and you will as long as you want to. :crossed_fingers:t4:🩵 Keep fighting, and know; there is definitely light at the end of that dark dark tunnel.


Thank you for the kind words. NOBODY is beyond saving. ANYONE can get clean. It’s NEVER too late.


Absolutely!! :crossed_fingers:t4::muscle:t4:

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Reminder : What’s the difference between a scammer, a drug dealer, and a wine & spirits company? Nothing. Neither can care less about your health, wellbeing, and your family.


Very true, well said Joseph :clap:


Thank you. I need that today

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