While I have made many mistakes in life, one of the many things I’ve done right was raising my two daughters. They are 18 and 12, and total opposites of each other, yet share similar qualities with me in personality and interests. We’ve always had an amazing relationship despite some of the things they’ve seen me go through with addiction. I always tried to use my own errors in choices as teaching moments for them and never lied nor hid from them the consequences of poor decision making. I am of the mindset that anything that I have to go through that can save them from making the same stupid mistakes was worth it, so I was always transparent about my faults. My oldest, who’s home from college for the summer, was visiting with me for a few days and we were discussing the woes of dating. She told me how she’s struggled to find a meaningful and lasting relationship with anyone because I’ve set the bar so high, as far as how a man carries himself with integrity and honesty, as well as how he treats a woman. My oldest daughter is a hopeless romantic like myself who leads with her heart and gives 100% of herself when entering a relationship. I had to remind her that boys between the ages of 18-22 are not anywhere near maturity lol, so it was a bit unfair to them to compare them to me, a grown man that’s been through as much as I have. Of course I also reminded her to never settle for anything less than what she deserves too and to be in no rush anyways because she has her whole life ahead of her.
I couldn’t help but be very proud that regardless of what she’s seen me go through, and her as well, as my daughter, she still holds me in high esteem and a man of character and value. Hearing it gave me so much resolve to stay strong and meet every obstacle with courage and determination.
To say the least, it meant the world to me!! Proud dad right here my friends.
Just wanted to share that with everyone in hopes it encourages someone to keep fighting! It’s worth it.
Love you all!
Please share your encouraging stories!!!