Proud sober ❤️

My husband was a groomsman for one of his friends and this was the first wedding weekend I’ve been able to attend fully sober and I’m so proud of myself! I’ve always used it as an excuse to be able to drink. Almost at 10 months sober and clear headed! :heart::heart: I wanted to come celebrate this win with my people :face_holding_back_tears: tell me all about your wins I want to hear all the stories :heart:


That’s a great win Ashley! Congratulations! :confetti_ball:
Also well done for the 10 months sober, your first year is near! :facepunch:
My biggest win is getting sober after a relapse, sober since. My life is so much more fulfilling now then it was while drinking :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Congratulations :confetti_ball::clap:



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Way to go ! @Bashly827 for the sober win :slight_smile: truly. I remember my first wedding sober it was rough


Yay! Happy you came to celebrate your win with all of us. It’s freeing to know we can still join in the fun as non drinkers.


This is really wonderful! Congratulations on your almost 10 months and finding your groove!!

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Amazing!! What a great feeling - you saw the potential pitfall, and handled it with courage and grace; and now feel incredible for doing so :slight_smile:

I love that feeling; it’s these kinds of wins that help keep me motivated - my win is going to a concert where I previously would’ve been drunk by the end, and this time just absolutely enjoying the music and vibe :slight_smile:it was wonderful, and also wonderful - not having the worry about whether I did something to embarrass my spouse, or disappoint them bc of boozey dumbassery

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Thank you! It felt absolutely wonderful :hugs: I always think I’ve stopped gaining anything new from drinking and something else happens and I realize how different my life has become from stopping. In the most beautiful way :heart: I’ve become so much more caring of others (say someone was power walking funnily I used to giggle now I really look at that person and think wow look at them bettering themselves!). learned to also care for myself more- not only just because I’m physically not drinking but I allow myself to have bad days and allow myself to be selfish if I don’t feel comfortable in a group of drinkers and don’t want to go. I’ve learned to enjoy little things in life more, just the beauty in nature and the fun of doing little things like going to the movies and listening to music. These I feel like have happened more and more through this experience of not being miserable and hungover or self pitying and constantly wanting a drink.
Congratulations on your concert! I love hearing others who are getting these almost freeing experiences as well :heart: thank you for being a part of my joy :heart:

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Thank you! Here to many more months :heart::cherry_blossom:

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Thank you for being a part of my sharing! :heart: it’s so wonderful having this community to be able to come to​:heart:

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Thank you so much! :heart:

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Thank you!! :heart::heart:

Thank you! And congratulations on your sobriety :heart: I’ve been in the relapse position as well but look at us kickin drinkings butt! :heart: live truly is so much greater without alcohol :heart_eyes: I’m grateful to be able to share with others here it means the world!

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Thank you!! :heart: it def forced me to get out of my little bubble and really be myself in the best way I can! I used drinking to pull me out of my shell so much and learning to rediscover/ finally discover who I am as a person sober has been difficult but so rewarding :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I will continue to worry that people may not like sober me and that I’m boring or whatever but I actually had a blast and danced (sober! :hugs:) which I couldn’t see myself doing before all of this! :heart: 1 year here I come!

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Good for you!!! Congrats! When i finally was on my knees and the lowest point in my life, i finally accepted that i was powerless. After being in AA for a while, I got to the point where i was actually proud to admit i was an alcoholic because it allowed me to “spread the word” that life doesn’t have to be lived the way we were doing it…If you can call that life. Openly admitting i am an alcoholic allows others, who may be questioning themselves, the comfort of opening up to me, so that i may offer my assistance in helping when/if they inquire. Keep on the path! It is a great one! Signed PROUD ALCOHOLIC


This is amazing to hear, congratulations. At least you could remember the wedding the next day rather than being riddled with anxiety. How good does it feel going to events and enjoying yourself alcohol free? Its so empowering its amazing.