PSN friends?

Hi all I was last into video games about 15+ years ago before alcohol and just trying to get back into it now, only just bought a PS4 (can’t justify the cost of a ps5 yet) and I’ve joined psn and wanna build up some friends to play with and to chat to, so far I have Red Dead 2, watchdogs, GTA classics trilogy, borderlands 3, and some others but will be getting WWE 2k22 and terminator resistance and whatever else I think looks good, (Ive also still kept my PS3 for non multiplayer stuff because the games are so cheap, currently playing heavy rain on that) I’m always up for a chat on there as well. Add me! My username is Hollywood_Vamp88

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This old 70 years old guy has aPS4 i only play FIFA23 have done since my sons bought me a playstation for my 60 th birthday