Pushing thru the first day

Today I decided to get sober( I’ve had many first days). I was so messed up I could barely work yesterday so exhausted with no energy. Today I said no more but now that I feel better temptations keeps knocking telling me to go get a bottle. Luckily I left my ID at home and I usually get carded. I was having a battle with myself convincing myself no I don’t need it I’m already home it’s raining no need to go back out. I decided to stay home and make tacos but gosh was that hard one day down. Idk how you guys do it any tips will help leaving my ID at home will only last so long. HELP!!!


You got this. Keep pushing through. You escaped that one, time to build a plan and prepare for the next one.

Welcome to the TS community and the best choice of the rest of your life.


Everyone’s journey is different… for me, it’s very much a mental battle with myself… loneliness and boredom are reasons I drink… do you have any activities you like to do? Do you journal? I’m so glad you shared your thoughts and experience with us today! Keep pushing through. The bottle isn’t your friend and never will be


Good work. Im only new here too. You’re doing great to get yourself home and safe and not give in to those thoughts.


Day one for me here for the fist time
By alcohol


Hey there and congratulations on your first day down. You’ve made a good choice for yourself @Sincerelykeey ! I’ve been sober a bit more than two years now. The first few weeks it helped me to remind myself

  • why I wanted to get sober (I wrote it down to be prepared for cravings)
  • I avoided places that served alcohol for quite a while
  • I learned more about how addiction works
  • I stayed in touch with people who wanted to stay sober also (so I hung around here a lot)
  • I made plans how to fill my evenings with other rewarding activities (cooking, renovating, writing and yes, also going to bed super early for the first few weeks).
  • I replaced my go to “evening drink” with tea (it filled the gap and felt good)
  • I went out to nature a lot and got the body moving

Keep going, it does get easier and it is worth all the initial struggle. I promise.

Here are some more tipps on how to navigate the first few days and weeks:

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Echoing the support from others - welcome and well done in making the first step: you are choosing to lead a different life. Take it day by day and remember why you have made this choice! It can be in the form of a journal, checking in here, or small reminders around your place - or whatever works best for you to help stay in the present; there will always be temptation, so building your support mechanisms will be key!!

You’ve got this!