Question about Checking in to maintain daily focus

This maybe a stupid question but how does the checking in to maintain daily focus work ? There seems to be many different # of the thread. I’m sorry I hope this makes sense !


A thread on this platform needs to be under a certain number of replies to maintain acceptable speed and reliability. Once a reaches the max number of replies it gets locked and a new one is created appending the sequential number on the title. Because this is a popular thread that most active users reply to, it meets the max replies after a few weeks, thus creating new threads. Only the current active one is not locked and available to use.

Hope that helps!


Not a dumb question at all :innocent:

Threads have a maximum limit of 2,500 posts, to prevent overloading the computer servers that host us.

When a thread reaches its limit it automatically creates a new one. Right now it’s at #38:


Usually the checkin thread isn’t far down the list - it gets a lot of posts so it’s usually near the top. If it’s switched to a new one you’ll find the link to the new one at the bottom of the old one if you need it (though usually you’ll see the new thread near the top of the threads on Talking Sober anyway).

Here’s an example of the link to a newer thread of checkins - swipe down a bit and you’ll see: