Quick! Distract me

I am in excruciating pain from an infected tooth. My face has swollen to double the size. Just started antibiotics yesterday. It’s been hell the last two days on the phone with doctors dentists and pharmacist. I need a distraction for the pain and stress. I just want to give up. But that means I’m just going to be stuck in the pain and my kids need me! I just want this to be over! Help.

Message me and tell me your from this app.



Have you got decent painkillers ??have you tried putting ice on it ,I feel so sorry for you😫 my tooth pain was as bad as having my daughter .is there a emergency number you can call

I have ice on it. I have 800 ibuprofen but it’s not doing anything. My doc prescribed me hydrycodine but my pharmacy doesn’t carry it.

If you can get adults dental gel like what babies have for teething id try that .I’m sorry I don’t know what else to suggest :disappointed:

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Ah so sorry friend. I am dealing with pain myself and enjoy being distracted by reading threads here, memes and also some videos…hope you feel relief soon from your antibiotics and pain killers :pray:t4:

Videos to distract from urges

Meme wars 89 Go! No Politics Please


Hope your ok @NickiMarz :heart:

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Swelling has started to go down. And right now I have no pain!!!


What a relief!! So glad to hear it.

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Aww soo glad to hear that :kissing_heart: