“Quit like a woman” book talk

I haven’t done any, but am always on the lookout. This one happens to be within driving distance and combines restorative yoga and recovery…so it is of interest. :slightly_smiling_face:


The Alan Car book is fanatastic!! It really made me think about the facts surrounding alcohol- havent touched a drop since i read it!

Also Sobering by Melissa Rice is a favourite of mine! Made me cry when i read it but i lived every second of it


Thank you for the recommendations!!

Quote from the book that I liked:

It is in Chapter 5 about how alcohol cannot be measured. How there is no Stage IV alcoholism.

“…. because alcoholism can get you at any time, but especially when you get lazy about remembering you have it.”

I hope everyone is having a NOT SO “LAZY” day today! You are all bad-asses so keep up the HARD work :heart: