Hi everyone im new to the group. im 32 mother of 3. wife to an awesome man that has put up with my bullshit for 8 years . i was married before and had a beautiful baby girl with him, however he cheated and i fell hard into drinking and meth. I lost my daughter…Thats all i wanna say about that. im tired of drinking im literally physically, emotionally and metally tired:disappointed_relieved: I fear for my liver evertime i drink LOL not even funny but thats how bad it is. The fights ive caused between my current husband and I are all when im drunk n stupid being a bitch for no real reason ive hit him:sob: something ill never forgive myself for. even now im crying wring about it because he doesnt deserve that. i hate myself. im ready…BEEN ready to quit drinking. i want to be the best mother n wife i know i can be. Thankfully i never allowed myself to be seen drunk by my children… id either stay at my friends house till the next day n not come home or drink after they went to bed. thats all i really wanna say. I just want to be done with it. sorry for the long post
HUGS!! You are here. You are ready to do this. You CAN do this. I’m sending you all my love right now. You need some. You don’t seem to have much love for yourself right now. But it will come. You will see that you are not a terrible person. Alcohol is the terrible beast that has taken over you. But you can fight back against the beast.
wow! thanks for those words of encouragement!! i really appreciate that. @VSue
@Oliverjava Thank you. unfortunately yes, im so ashame of myself and the guilt kills me but im working on everything lil by lil.
Welcome! I’m only a week in, very new. This has been a great resource and such a wonderful community.
Take it a day at a time has always sounded so cliche to me…but I’m finding it to be true. All we have to do is not drink today. That’s it.
Best of luck! I’m glad you’re here!
Welcome @Igotthis88. You will find a plethora of people on here willing to listen and help. Welcome and all the best
@justMe2 @Tim thank you guys. i really appreciate all these comments n encouragements all ik its going to be sooooo hard I never drink when i get pregnant. the last time i got pregnant i was the worst ive ever been with drinking. i drank every day EVERYDAY! n then i found out i was pregnant n i quit right away. i was so addicted my withdrawls were so bad. i was cold and hot at the same time sweat when i was freezing and threw up couldnt eat headaches shaking. double vision couldnt get up alone with out assistance because id get dizzy n fall over. lasted a whole week i hate it it n i can feel it starting up again. my head is hurting so bad . but im willing to suffer for the greater good. #fighting
Well done on taking the first steps - alcohol is a poison - a legal poison! Take strength in knowing better days are coming and u can become a better version of yourself without alcohol in the picture. Find other ways to fill your time - I find is key for me, making plans with my little boy means I won’t break at weekends cause I won’t let him down. Here’s to a sober Christmas
Welcome to new beginnings - you’ve made the 1st step!
This forum is very useful when you have your down moments - i suggest reading some stories to keep you motivated and do lots of research about alcohol abuse.
Thank you for sharing @Igotthis88 its an awesome thing you have made your choice of breaking the chains of your addictions .You shall be Proud of that. You are the most important in your life, of course all People around u in life do matters too.but u know what i ment. This forum are yes truly helpful for many and myself included. This is a force that is for sure. Stay positive and stay focused. You are not alone .this forum proves that
@sobersue @wakfers and @Cobaltchris thanks u guys 3 days sober but here comes the weekend #fighting
I will be here in this weekend . Im sure many will as well. You see im from norway and i know there is some timedifference but still. If its anything send me a priv message if you will. I know christmas is very tough on many People.
thank you @Cobaltchris
I know exactly how you feel! You can do it!
@Igotthis88 I’m worried about this weekend as well. Probably my first Christmas sober in 10-12 years. Holidays have always been defined as an excuse to celebrate aka get wasted. I’ll be here.
@Elisabeth seriously im like why did i quit now? lmao holidays are here could of waited till next year but then there will be other reasons to drink
This is my first Christmas sober too, I am planning to buy cases of my favorite non alcoholic drinks, I love diet sparkling cranberry with lime. Anything but alcohol. It’s good to have plan. One day at a time. Wishing you the best, we can all do it together.
@nomore same to you hun!! im feeling the pressure of the holidays but with u guys here n my will to not give up i may be able to surpass all these temptations happy holidays
U can do it, stay strong, make sober plans, walks (weather permitting activities so you don’t change your mind) I find if I make plans with my son I’m less likely to let him down - focus on how much better u feel sober (that’s if you do) first few weeks are tough - but sleep will improve, anxiety will reduce and my biggest benefit to date is I don’t second guess myself all the time, I’m not always worried about what I did at the weekend when I was blacked out - that’s my positive - find yours and it will drive u
Please do not underestimate yourself guys . Remember you are not alone in this . You guys rock !!!