Quiting smoking weed or tobacco

Today is gonna be my first day stop smoking I have done it before in the pass I know I can again im 22 years old these next few years of my life are crucial I need to make that sacrifice I’m not gonna lie it’s not easy for me because I’m excessive smoker and smoke to the point where it’s no fun I allow it to destroy my relationships with people I care about by isolating my self and staying stuck in my head I need to pull myself together


Actually it’s not a sacrifice Brice. It’s a choice for your life, your future, your happiness. To quote what you’re saying yourself:

I’m proud of you for taking that step now friend. I waited till I was almost 50 years old and although it’s never too late I wish I did it 30 years earlier. I’m glad you are doing it now and I am glad you are here with us. This place has been a huge help for me in staying on the sober and clean road, I hope it can be for you too. All success to you!!


You right it’s not a sacrifice I let my ego make me feel as if it was with not taking no for an awnser when in the long run I’m only hurting my self I appreciate for your wisdom thank you

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You are sacrificing a life worth living by smoking…not sacrificing smoking for life…just my opinion

Thank you for your words of inspiration i am a recording artist it does affect my voice I have been so comfortable using weed as coping mechanism to run from problems but that only lasts but so long

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