Quitting for my kids/single mom of 5

I need to get sober for my kids. I recently just became a single mom again. My partner that left is stuck in drug addiction we always have problems when he leaves he always starts dating someone else right away while doing drugs & i feel sick of it one time he came back with an std i always get him checked & one time he came so i can help him he told me he was doing needles i have 4 kids with him but i have 5 kids my oldest is from a previous relationship im drowning tired out so i drink u der pressure stressed when he goes again he wasnt always like this. I known him for almost 11 years he started his addictions started 4 years ago. Im trying so hard to raise my kids happily so im tryna stop drinking.


Welcome Doreen. Sorry about the home situation, that sounds so tough. I used to drink to decompress from the life of being a Mum so totally get that. It sounds like you have the added pain though of having an addict ex.

I think maybe you need to separate out the two situations, so focus purely on you and the kids. Get sober to help that and let your ex get on with his destructive path (I know that is hard, but his path is bringing you down). If you can get sober and strong it will make all the difference to the situation and how you feel, and you are in complete control of that.

This place helped me so much so please do stick around. Make a plan on how to get/stay sober. So much good advice on here. Good luck


Welcome Doreen! This community has been so important to me and my ability to stay sober. I found so much support, kindness, and connection by getting active here and building relationships so I didn’t feel alone in my struggles. We have a thread where people can check in daily if that is something you’re interested in doing. I’ll post the link below. I hope to see you around here and please don’t hesitate to reach out when you need, even if it is simply to vent out your frustrations or ask questions. So glad you’re here.

Checking in daily