Quitting Weed Advice / Success Stories

Just an update for everyone and for my personal records really, I’m officially 24 hours sober, it’s been difficult to adapt and get used to life without the comfort of my little reward but I’m feeling really positive! If I can do the first day I can do any day after this. Thanks again for all your helpful words, I honestly don’t believe I would have made it through today without them!! :raised_hands:t2:


24 hours is pretty impressive.


I’m going to try and remind myself to let you know when I hit 24 hours off the green. I just hit 31 days off booze and other crap. Pleased to be on this journey with you.

Skater punx oi oi


Oi oi thanks bro!:wink: and well done for quitting all the other crap too!! The fact you can abstain from all that shows you got what it takes to quit weed easy man, let me know how you get on when you start. Always here if you need support!! We got this mate come on!!:raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:

Haha actually got a smile. That’s worth something so thanks.

i’m not a weed smoker myself but just wanted to pop in and say i’m rooting for you! you can do this :heart:

People don’t understand that it’s actually hard to stop smoking weed!
Keep letting that counter roll and each day you’ll feel better. Go you for realizing what ya need to do for yourself! :+1::+1:


True that. I find it very hard to control my Cannabis usage. I’m finding help within this app and forum though. Thanks for posting :).