Random ramblings

Sober day 6.5. First day off since August 26th. Going to do an escape room with my sister, hey family, and my hubby. That should be a lot of fun. I worked a neat 10 hour shift yesterday. Got to watch a football game, well a little bit any way, and had yummy stadium food. I managed to walk over 39,000 steps yesterday. My grand total for the 8 days this month so far is 202,269 steps. I’m kicking butt! Not much to report besides that just wanted to check in. Still staying sober, still trucking along. I have a subscription service and they sent me a card with this quote. I used it as my mantra today:

“I am loved, I am capable, and I am smart.”

I’m at day 9. Sitting on break at work smoking a cigarette. Nothing much to say just felt like I should do a check in. I scheduled myself a 3-day weekend coming up. Had thoughts that I could totally get drunk on Friday so I know I need to be careful what I do with my time. Need to make sure I take time to relax but not get so bored I decide drinking is a better idea.

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On day 14 today. I looked at my meditation app and found out some random info. I started using my meditation app, Insight Timer, on November 5th, 2017. Out of the last 680 days, I have worked in my meditation practice 526 days. That’s not too bad, I say.

I spent my time this weekend cleaning the house and cooking. So much cooking! On Sunday I made 45 jalapeno poppers. Some went in lunches to build up for from my last mail order food box, most were eaten yesterday though.