Rant about Nicotine - day 1 without cigs

I have been free of alcohol, for the past 22 days. It’s my first day without cigarettes. I have nicotine gum with me, quite a bit of it actually. It tastes horrible. Cinnamon flavoured horrible stuff. I have mint flavored too, but I am sure it will be worse. I had a couple of pieces. The nicotine gum takes some of the edge away. It is useful.

Wish me luck. I will need it. Kicking cigs cold turkey :turkey: is proving to be more difficult than I thought it would be.

It’s so easy to go and get a pack. It should be harder. We should have to go to seedy alleyways and establishments, and meet with greedy dealers, to get cigs. Would definitely make it easier to give it up.

Someone asked me why I am doing this is early sobriety. Well early sobriety is a difficult time. Letting cigs go is difficult. I am realising that letting go of cigs cold turkey :turkey: is very difficult.

Combining them is like combining the pain. The pain after it gets too intense becomes tolerable. Both physical pain and mental. So it is okay. Let me see if I can do this.


Good way to go, planning to join you soon.

Keep up the good work!

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@Rob11 Old survival trick. Pile up the pain. Take it all in one go. When the pain becomes too much, somehow you become numb and nothing matters so much anymore. That little bit of knowledge has given me a lifetime of PTSD but it helps me deal with pain both physical and mental. Cigs have gotta go. That’s it.

Aaaagggggghhhh. I am going crazy with cigs. All I can think of how easy it would be walk downstairs and get a couple of packs!!! I am going crazy!!

How are you doing? Did you manage the feeling?

No. It won. I had a few cigs. The counter starts again. Cigs are really difficult to give up. I need to cut down on the Caffeine intake. Makes the urge for cigs harder. :crossed_fingers:

Only do what you can handle. No sense being a hero. No shame in having a cigarette and scaling back until the cravings stop

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Thank you for this encouragement. I decided to go cold turkey yesterday. Trying to do it without any nicotine assisted methods. Just want to get rid of this terrible hold it has over me. I’m 15hrs in without smoking, hoping to make it to 24hrs. Around this time is when I have my morning coffee with a cigarette. Managed to have the coffee without the cigarette


I used to always joke the guys and gals on tv shows that had toothpicks or sunflower seeds or gum or any number of things to replace the action of lighting one up. I don’t joke them anymore I’ll tell you that. I’ve had to employ all of these things. I bought a jumbo box of toothpicks. I went through an Altoids kick. I did gum for a little bit. The bottom line is that i did whatever it took to beat the craving at the time. I’ve got 5 months free of a two pack a day habit. I still have my moments but i want to keep what teeth i have left and what lung function I’ve got left. To all my brothers and sisters on day one, hang in there. Do whatever silly looking thing it takes to stay away from the insanity that is smoking. You can do this!

Needed this . I’m out here sad as fuck regretting ever lighting one stick. I keep looking at the watch to make sure I get to 1 day. My head hurts and my chest is tight. I’m really craving but I won’t cave in

As someone who used to dip nearly an entire tin of chewing tobacco a day. I would recommend the patch. It doesn’t taste like anything :wink:! Keep the gum as well for emergencies. Good news is you can do it. You’ve made the financial commitment with the gum/patch.

Smoke a pack of cigarettes before drinking a drop of alcohol however.