Rat Park- A unique prospective on addiction

The link below was recently shared with me and I would love to hear other addicts thoughts on this 15 minute clip. Like anything else; maybe right, maybe wrong. Nonetheless, a different way to look at sobriety for sure.
Please let me know your thoughts!


I’d love to see that guy go out and do heroin for a month straight and then stop.

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I do think environment plays a role, but in the end addiction is a disease. I had a great environment and still got hooked on dope. Rat park is good though, because it does show the difference in brain chemistry that cause some people to become addicted and others who do not.

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:smile::laughing::rofl::joy: … Its easy i take suboxone! :laughing:


Bruh, you need to try kratom. Cures ED, cancer, obesity, diabetes and world hunger.


I just love it when people think they know everything about a topic. He’s not a scientist, a doctor, OR an addictions counsellor. He’s a writer. He’s done some reading and thinks he knows it all.

I’m not saying he’s wrong…I just think he doesn’t KNOW. He’s got some truths but he doesn’t have the whole answer. It’s incredibly simplistic.


Addiction is a very broad disorder that needs a multifaceted approach to overcoming. Just being like “oh, you need a better environment” is definitely over simplistic. Changing your environment is only a small portion of recovery. But he completely discounts the physical addiction, which if you ask anyone here is very real and very difficult to overcome.

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Id say the physical part of addiction and detox is half if not more of the battle itself. To know u can take just one hit/sniff or drink and feel normal again but for a limited time… To be right back where you started again as the cycle of addiction turns again…


Definitely not my experience, I grew up in the typically aspired to middle class family with happily married parents who I don’t think I ever saw argue, two kids and a dog (as the saying goes) I went to a good school, my parents weren’t alcoholic, I went to University, had a wonderful career and have always had secure family connections and friends.
Yet I’m still an alcoholic :thinking:
I have changed nothing in my environment, friends or family since quitting drinking because they weren’t what caused me to drink and yet I’m still 6 1/2 months sober after a ten year daily drinking career. This approach seems flawed, narrow minded and as said above simplistic when I’m looking at my experience, what I needed to change was all about mindset


And the statement that anyone that gets opioids while in the hospital does not become anaddict is ludicrous!! Loads of people are first introduced to opioids through medically prescribed pain pills.