Really felt like drinking today

Have not. Just had that feeling several times today. Fighting it.
Did other things. Went for a run, went to starbucks, cleaned house, made dinner, tried to fugure out why. Was supposed to meet up with friends but they had to cancel. Still that feeling is there.
It has subsided a bit after ate dinner. Talked about it with my husband, but he thinks that I should be able to control myself with booze. So here I am.

Feelings: annoyed, dissapointed, glad that I cooked and cleaned, feeling uncertain about some stuff.
It helps me if I name the feelings. Just wanted to vent. Thanks.


Why do you feel disappointed?


Yes like :point_up_2:says. You should be proud. You would make a shit alcoholic if you didn’t think about it. What’s important is what you do and today you did enough. Well done :+1:


Those are all the feelings I’ve been experiencing while trying to stay sober. I’ve only been sober a few days and canceled yesterday and today dinner plans because I know I’m not ready to be exposed to any alcohol as of right now. Stay strong you got this!


:thinking: Mmmm! @Daphnecat, l wonder if you’re feeling a bit of resentment toward your friends for cancelling your dinner plans? Just a thought, as you said that in your ‘vent’!

Were you looking forward to going out? If so, this could have been enough to create a feeling of discontent.

Anger and resentment will get the better of me every time if l let it!
Two January’s ago, l was doing quite well in that l had been sober since Dec 21. I had decided to stay home and not go camping with my family as the temptation of alcohol was too great.

I was living rural at the time, and had organised for one of my sisters to spend the weekend with me. I was really looking forward to it, and believe it was helping me stay strong.

Friday lunchtime arrived, and the same sister rang me to say that our mother didn’t want her to go as she felt she needed her around.( Mind you, she had organised for others to care for Mum whilst she was gone and prepared meals).
Also, Mum knew l was alone,and emotionally fragile.

I was devastated and fell to pieces that night! I was consumed with rage that my Mum could be so selfish and angry that my sister gave in to her! Didn’t they realise how desperate l was?! I relapsed big time!

I never underestimate the negative power that anger and resentment has on my sobriety nowadays, and l’m constantly checking in with myself. So far, so good, but l’m only on Day 18!

Hang in there and don’t give in! :heart:

P.S The AA book ‘Living Sober’ has dedicated a whole chapter on ‘Anger and Resentment’! Have a read-it might help you sort out your feelings?!



I think you were right to cancel dinner plans, you’ve only been sober a few days. Keep things simple for yourself, one step at a time xx @Jennifer1


Why are you disappointed? You should be proud of yourself, you didn’t drink, that takes a lot of strength x @Daphnecat

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Sorry you’re having a tough day, Daphne. But, you made it through. Days like that just come, they will for most of us, I think. Just another part of our life. I say we do another sober day tomorrow!

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I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a rough day, with boozy thoughts. You should be proud of yourself that you didn’t give in, instead of being disappointed. Also you talked to your husband, your reached out to the group, made other healthy plans. I hope and trust tomorrow will be a better day! :muscle:t2::kissing_heart:


Good job at coming through the day sober. :clap::clap:


Hope you are ok today. 300 days is so long! That is amazing. I am glad that you are back to where you need to be.


Thanks for sharing!

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I’m glad you’re still hanging in there.

Have you read Allen Carr’s The Easy Way to Control Alcohol?


I have not. Maybe that will be my next one

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I feel like I’m sounding like a broken record every time I recommend these books. It’s just that, for me, I wish that I would have discovered them sooner. 30 years of wandering around with 12 years of SAA and SLAA, and finally this resource unfolds a major problem I’ve had all along.

I still had the desire to use…

And now, my mindset has switched from I can never use again to…

I don’t want to use.

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