Really fighting the urge to drink

My family is in distress due to my grandma having cancer. She’s in hospice and I’ve never dealt with so much family drama in my life. People talking bad about other people’s children, fighting about the will and all sorts of drama spewing. I’m stuck in the middle, and I can’t help but have the urge to drink. I need some encouragement.


So sorry to hear that, sounds a tough time! What I tell myself in situations where stress makes me want to drink is, unfortunately the drink will not fix anything at all but actually make my decision making and handling worse! Stay strong today and tomorrow when you wake up I’m sure you’ll be very happy you didn’t turn to the drink, one day at a time :muscle:



Don’t let anybody put you in the middle, it is 100% OKAY to tell them, nope, I’m not doing this, figure yourselves out or I will not be involved. Maybe easier said than done, not sure how involved you HAVE to be. Just focus on showing your grams all the love and support you’re able to while you still have her on the planet! Maybe go indulge in your favorite junk food with no regrets.

I’m sorry about your grandma by the way. All my love and good vibes to you today! :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::hugs:


Just remember that no matter how bad it is now, if you start drinking it will likely only get worse because while drinking might help you in that moment, eventually the buzz wears off and you’re left with a decreased ability to handle the problem.

You can do this. It won’t last forever. You are strong.

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So sorry this is going on

Make sure youve got your favorite type of coffee, tea, juice or sparkling water, any other beverage that feels like a treat. And nice food.

Dont be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend or neighbor at this time…if youre a person reluctant to ask for help cooking and cleaning or for some company, consider this permission to ask!

Whatever the drama, youll navigate it better sober. 100%.

You can do this! Best wishes to your grandmother.

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I like this one! Thank you for sharing! :pray: