Really spotty!

I’m 25 days in (yay!) but I am SO spotty. Did anyone else experience this?

Yes, if you’re referring to menses. First month was effed up. (Am I right @Oliverjava and others?) It will go back to normal.

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Ye. My skin got messed up too. Settled down though. But flares up monthly now :wink:

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I was on an emotional roller coaster that first month. I was angry a lot of the time, I cried A LOT. It gets better. I’m not angry much these days, and not crying every week. Congrats on 25 days!


18 days in sobriety and my skin in going bananas! Soooo dry, spots popping up like never before and just overall it´s shit… Really not feeling it, it sucks. But fingers crossed it will get used to sober living sooooon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are we referring to the brain or skin?

Totally did 2 pregnancy tests cause I’m all messed up. Nope. Negative


The liver is associated with hormone metabolism so it makes sense that now that we aren’t drinking like fish our levels are imbalanced… the body will adjust i’m sure… once again shows how much extra work we put our systems through… sober is so much better…


As far as menses, it seems longer between periods. Cramps still feel like my ovaries want to explode.

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Neither :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a mirena so I haven’t so much as had a single spot in over 10 years. Woo hoo!!!

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I’m 26 days in and yes I’m going through it too. Don’t know what to do but keep trying I just tell myself it’s easier to keep going than to stop and go again. It’s like running it’s best to just power through. At least I think lol I’m new to this too.

Yeah, IUD team! :raised_hand:


This is an A and B conversation…I’ll C my way out



@Success Lol…you know anything about jacked up spotting, skin breakouts, iuds, or being a woman in sobriety? I’ll let you know when we start talking about man-o-pause or testicles…lol


I have been having problems with benign hemorrhagic cycts… irregularity and spotty… I had tubal 3+ years ago after my 3rd child, 2nd c section. Not sure if my outrageous drinking lead to it or the tubal but my first cyst happened during my first sober stretch. Still having issues… I’d say visit a gynecologist to determine the cause. Too many variables in the female cycle to point to causation of spotting in one month :slight_smile: best of luck