Really triggered rn and i want to drink

Ok so i had this friend who i trusted with a lot of personal shit and past traumas who kinda manipulated me into sending him some photos whenni was in a bad headspace months ago. And i learned that he has a pattern of doing this to people over the past few days, and i just feel so used and gross and stupid for trusting him. Its not the first friend who learned i was sexually abused as a kid who later also used me for sex. The very first friend i opened up to back when i was 13 assaulted me. And this has brought back so many old feeling and i feel like shit and alcohol sounds so wonderful rightnow but that asshole isnt worth yhe relapse and i just hit 4 months Thursday last week. Sorry this is rambly im kinda sobbing rn. Might call my sponsor when i can talk and not just sob


Please call your sponsor. A sick, manipulative person is not worth losing your sobriety over. And sob all you want. Hugs to you.


Hey Amanda.
You got 4 months sober!!
That’s amazing!!
Good plan calling your sponsor and checking in here. That asshole is not worth you relapsing and having even more misery to deal with. Guilt shame failure and the list goes on.
Protect your sobriety date at all cost. Stay with us until you can reach your sponsor or try and find some other meeting.
4 months if fucking HUGE.
Hang in there. You know for a fact “these feelings will pass.”
So proud of you writing in.
Big hugs.


I’m sorry for your choice as a friend no good friend would ever do that to you as that’s harm not help and congratulations on your 4 months I’m proud of you and remember there is no problem worth putting drugs or alcohol on it because when the buzz is gone the problem still exists and if you need a real friend that will help build you up you can always call me my number is (937) 670-8334 my name is Franky and feel free to text me too keep your head up and keep up the amazing work :100::heart:


Oh Amanda
Im so sorry that someone that you thought you trusted has betrayed your trust and used you and above all else made you feel this way.
Please do call your sponsor now (even with you sobbing) - you need to connect with someone asap irl. Thank you for logging in here - Please do keep checking in.
You’ve made it 4 months and that is very impressive - do what you can to keep your mind distracted (meditate, scream, punch the air to release your tension, whatever else you can do - i know a lot is hard when you can’t stop crying). This assmunch is not worth your tears. He should not be the reason you lose your fight with sobriety.
Please do call your sponsor check into a 24 hour online meeting… sending you strength… :muscle: :heart: :people_hugging:


I like to say this too shall pass. It might pass like a fuckinh kidney stone, but itll pass


That is just disgusting. That asshole indeed does not deserve to take your sobriety. You are not stupid for trusting, people who break trust are mean. Congratulations on four months. You can deal with past trauma much better sober. Sending peace and hugs. :purple_heart:


I was triggered yesterday I have 2 days without alcohol I think about it all day I have been making it from moment to moment I also have been used and abused its horrible and as led to so many bad decisions and relationships in my life :broken_heart: Just hang in there im here with you I am so grateful for this app it is completely saving my ass :100: don’t know what I would do without it congratulations on your sobriety


Learn from this and set boundaries to not send pictures like this to anyone ever again no matter who they are. No human being who cares about you will ask for compromising pics.


Im doing lots better now. Thanks for the support everyone, im cutting ties with him entirely tomorrow when i give him back all the gifts hes given me and getting the books i lent him back. Still sober!


Love to read this! Excellent work Amanda! Working through the feelings instead of trying to numb and forget. Onward and upward lady. Hugs.


Huge well done Amanda for coming here to reach out before u pick up, that takes guts! Its what we are here for, 4 months is amazing! I always say to my daughter…there are some horrible people in this world but there are alot more that are good, i hope we on here can restore your faith a little, im sending some big love and hugs your way…you are doing great :heart::people_hugging: