Reasons to Not reset my timer

Its been 5 days! Give me reasons to not reset my timer! What works for you?


Just feel like reaching out. Anxiety, body physically telling me to. I know i cant


For me itā€™s two fold - remembering all the reasons I wanted to stop, had to stop in the first place, then thinking about all the good that comes from being clean and sober! It helps to make those two lists and start writing things down. Keep it handy to look at anytime you feel like you need a boost.
Reasons to stop: Feeling like death during increasingly long hangovers (like, days long ones), red puffy skin and breakouts, itchy and feeling like I have creepy crawlies on me, anxiety so bad I canā€™t leave the bed, let alone my house, pissing my money away, feeling like a failure and lying to my loved ones.

Reasons to stay sober: Sleep, glorious sleep! Better relationships, so much less anxiety, better skin and clear eyes, money in the bank, feeling good about myself and gaining self confidence.

Make your own list! It really helps!



Congrats on Day 5. Iā€™m on Day 14 and am feeling so much better without hangovers and guilt/shame. Much more productive and happier. Those are some of my reasons not to reset.


Itā€™s so much easier to stay stopped than too quit. What if you use and canā€™t just recet. Personally I have never been one of those addicts that has a slip and gets right back up. I like to fall all the way down into the darkest pit of despair with my entire life in ruin before I have any desire to change.


Oh the run till the fun is done. Sounds like me! I agree, to stay stopped is a much easier approach.

I hear you, loud and clear. What was worse for me was that what had previously constituted the ā€˜darkest pitā€™ was merely a stop on the way down even further with every time I slipped. Once I was actively at risk of dying, I just couldnā€™t risk another slip further down or it would have been the end of me.

I do a lot of different things.
Once a week when i do my ā€œweekly resetā€ I sit down and plan out my week (not every detail just the important stuff I know needs to be done), i then make a list 3 things im gratful for, 3 goals for the week, a breif journalling about what im feeling about my sobriety, then one just reflecting on my week. It helps me feel more in control and grounded in my daily life.
I also frequently change my background of my timer in the app. Sometimes pictures of my family and pets, sometimes happy sober memories (once i started making them), goals (for example it was a hawaiian beach for a while because my fiance and I really wanted to go and now our trip is almost paid off and we are going in May. Something we never could have done before sobriety), and sometimes its photos of bad incidents when I was drinking.
Something Iā€™m going to do now that Iā€™m a year sober: I got a big jar. Once i get paid Iā€™m gonna go get two different color marbles. One color will represent good days and one bad. The idea is to visually see that there are more good days than bad thanks to my sobriety.

Good luck on your journey. You got this.


I feel this as well. The actual risk of dying is there for me now too. I have a lot of health problems and concerns related to using for almost 30 years and not taking care of my body or mind. However, we are alive and we can do something about it now. I am grateful for everything in my life today. I love being a member of a 12 step program and the friendships I have formed with people in recovery are wonderful. I have my health challenges but Iā€™m getting support in that area of my life as well now. I hope youā€™re also finding everything you need to stay sober.

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Cool ideas.

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Why would you want to reset!! Keep going! The reason not to drink have to be your own. Your health should be one of them. Iā€™m on 11 days and counting and Iā€™m not going back!!! Iā€™m not going to do anymore resets.

I have so many resets since started this serious quitting alcohol journey in August.

It helps not to think in forever terms, think from moment to moment. Why would you want a drink now just to feel :poop:ā€˜ire later and keep the cycle going and going!

Being here and reading other successful stories has been so very helpful. You are not alone, my not alone! Keep going my TS friend :star_struck: