Recently relapsed looking for words of encouragement or a listening ear

I recently relasped for the first time since April 6months ago. I was proud of myself and now i feel ashamed n weak. Nobody knows about this addiction so i have no one to talk to about it. Feeling this way just makes me want to use more its a vicious cycle so just looking for support n some words of encouragement while i start over again


Welcome. Read around here and will see many just like you and pick themselves up and back on the sober path. If you had so many months sober you know what you need to do. Have a plan. Join a recovery group. Come here every day read and reach out when you are struggling.


Okay, that was yesterday and today’s a new day to be happy & healthy for! Give yourself some grace, you’re here…
Let’s go forward again!

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Hey Lyss, I just relapsed a few days ago as well. Please dont beat yourself up over this. We start fresh and we’re so lucky to have that opportunity! Lets take advantage of it and try again. We’re human and we mess up sometimes. The next following days are good ones for sitting down and reflecting on what happened and coming up with ways to navigate that in the future! This is going to help you break the vicious cycle. Maybe the people in your personal life don’t know but this app is a really good resource to find people to talk to about it. I know it feels hopeless sometimes, but you’re only truly hopeless if you give up. The fact that you’re here even if you’re ahamed and weak from it all, showes massive amounts of courage. Don’t stop fighting, you’ve put so much effort in so far. Try not to think of it like you failed for relapsing. You were 6 months sober! Thats impressive. Let’s beat that number this time! Were all here to support eachother, I believe in you! Just take it one step at a time.


Hi Lyss,
You have us here to talk about so please do!
I know it’s difficult to go forward after a relapse. The sad feeling, guilt, anger, all that is talking you down. But you did 6 months! That’s a lot and you know how being sober feels. So use this relapse to become even stronger! What can you learn from it? What can you do differently to avoid a new one?
I had a relapse after 5 years sober. I thought I was “cured”. That last relapse learned me I’m never cured and I cannot do moderation. It’s valuable information. Now I know :blush:
Sober for 6 years again, so I beat my last strike :wink:
You can do it too!


Welcome Lyss. I couldn’t say it better than SoberWalker. I was sober 3 years and fell off the wagon. I too thought i was “cured” but found out that drinking in moderation for me does not happen. 2 months sober now and determined to stay that way this time. Don’t let your set back define you. We are all in this together.