Recommend literature

Hi everyone!! I’m in my first two months of sobriety and looking for some sober lit recommendations. Please and thank you!


Welcome Nicocat.

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There’s a wealth of information here. Thank you so much, I appreciate it!!!


I read daily from my dad’s copy of daily reflections and 24 hours a day. Then from time to time I read from the big book and 12 and 12 during days with temptation. Daily Reflections and 24 hours a day keep me grounded and focused.


Thank you!

Being in recovery, I’ve read several literature for being into recovery. I like books for spirituality but I also like “drop the rock” then there’s also “ drop the rock the ripple effect” and then there’s also “th here and now” which is bout steps 10 and 11 and connection with your higher power

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I believe in God so I also ready lots of books about recovery from forms of addiction with the word of God. I absolutely love anything by Joyce Meyer, T. D. Jake’s, and Michael Todd.

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