Recovery and marijuana

Hey! Im in early recovery from cocaine. I am sustaining from all drugs and alcahol except marijauna i am a disgnosed adult with adhd amd anxiety ( as alot of addicts are) i use the marijauna to keep my adhd and anxiety at bat whixh in turn is helping my rscovery. But i feel guilt for using marijuanna still. What are your all thoughts

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I try to not smoke weed but I know a lot of alcoholics and addicts that do with no guilt

I think you should do you. You know what you have to do :slight_smile:

Have a good day ok friend :innocent:

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Welcome. My first thought is to remind that this is a sobriety forum, and talk about “self controlled” using (beyond prescriptions and therapy) is not allowed. We have people here struggling with marijiana habits as well, and we’re not very good at self control. :sweat_smile:

We can all do as we like of course, but talk encouraging using is a no no.

That’d lead into my thought though. Generally swapping one thing for another isn’t a great idea if we’re struggling with addiction. Have you sought any kind of help from a doctor or recovery group?

Well done on kicking that coke though. Keep on trucking!