Recovery Books

Hey everyone! I am looking for recommendations for recovery books to read. I have a few written down but wanted to get some more suggestions. Thanks in advance, and I hope everyone is having an amazing sober weekend!:blush::raising_hand_woman:t2:‍♀

Here is a thread with lots of book suggestions.

Continuing the discussion from Sobriety reading:


Thank you very much!

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My favourite one is Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol by Ann Dowsett Johnston

I also LOVE Guts. It’s the memoir from Kristen Johnson


Anything by Craig Beck…

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Im currently reading all books i can get my hands on regarding recovery :). Im not attending AA meetings and these books helps me to be on the right track right now. I would suggest Bucky Sinisters books. They are easy to read and funny at the same time. Keep it up!

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Thank you so much!