Recovery Do's and Don'ts

we would really appreciate your 3 Do’s and Don’ts, sharing is caring and words save lives :hugs:

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Don’t hangout with “friends” who don’t support your journey.
Don’t let anyone convince you of “just one drink”
Don’t hard on yourself

Do - come on here often whether you’re struggling or celebrating
Do - celebrate all the milestones, even the smallest milestone is a huge step in the right direction
Do - find three things to be grateful for every single day


Eat yellow snow
Go into wrong restroom
Leave the parking break on

Appreciate yourself daily
Drink more water
Remember that little steps equal great length with time


Don’t believe after 6 months or one year etc you are cured.
Don’t think it will change any situation for the better
Don’t expect to be happy every day, life still goes on.

Do all the things on day 100 that kept you sober on day one
Do carry on going to meetings, you will hear what you need to hear or say something someone else needs to hear
Do know it does get easier, you’ve only got to feel like this today.